[CCF] Fw: [WriteLog] Use a Live! scoreboard using this weekend's CQWW!

Timo Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi
Thu, 25 Oct 2001 11:22:56 +0300

----- Alkuperäinen viesti ----- 
Lähettäjä: Gerry Hull <windev@inetmarket.com>
Vastaanottaja: <cq-contest@contesting.com>; <writelog@contesting.com>; <yccc@yccc.org>; <w5xd@contesting.com>; <k5dj@contesting.com>
Lähetetty: 24. lokakuuta 2001 22:56
Aihe: [WriteLog] Use a Live! scoreboard using this weekend's CQWW!

> Hello fello contesters,
> Here's your chance to think outside the box!
> I am announcing the availability of Leaderboard Live!, a new free
> service and software package on my website contestlogs.com.
> Leadboard Live! allows users of Writelog to post their scores
> (and optionally multiplier totals)  to the contestlogs.com website
> live during the contest!  Then, using either the Writelog client or a
> web browser, you see results!
> - Have a horserace with your buddies
> - Check on the competition
> - See how your fairing in the pack
> - Allow contesting to become a spectator sport.
> The Leaderboard Live! client is a plugin for Writelog.  You can see
> the leaderboard directly in Writelog.  However, there is also a
> standalone Windows client. Viewer/Poster.  
> For those not using Writelog, or for friends and neighbors who want to
> see how you are going -- just point them to
> http://www.contestlogs.com/live.  There are a full range of options
> to filter the listed stations based on Class, Location, etc.
> If you're a Writelog user, go to http://www.contestlogs.com/plugin to
> download the plugin setup for Writelog.  
> I'll be at VY2SS this weekend -- watch our score live on the system.
> Here's hoping you'll give it a try!
> Currently, the site and software is setup for CQWW and ARRL SS contests.
> 73 and Good Luck!
> Creator, contestlogs.com
> LIVE Scoreboard: http://www.contestlogs.com/live
> FAQ: http://www.contestlogs.com/faq
> Plugin: http://www.contestlogs.com/plugin
> Software download: http://www.contestlogs.com/live/plugin.zip
> _______________________________________________
> WriteLog mailing list
> WriteLog@contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/writelog

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