[CCF] Vl: [CQ-Contest] CQ WW Trophy Update

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi
Wed, 21 Aug 2002 14:10:26 +0300

Ohessa tietoa CQ-plaqueista. 
QSL-korttimalleja puolestaan löytyy osoitteesta www.qsl.net/ccf

Ari, OH5DX

>This note it to give all of you a brief update on one of our favorite 
>subjects--CQ WW trophies. Here you go:
>* All 2000 plaques have been produced and shipped. If you haven't received 
>yours, you will shortly.
>* All requests for replacement awards that I have received have also been 
>produced and shipped. If you have not received an old award, now would be a 
>great time to let me know and I'll take care of it.
>* The 2001 SSB plaques have already been ordered and should be available for 
>shipment in about 30 days. (thanks to K8DX for his assistance). The CW group 
>is right behind.
>In addition, I have received numerous requests for duplicate awards, usually 
>multi-operations wanting plaques for each operator or a guest op wishing to 
>give an award to his host. If you are interested, the cost for each award is 
>$50. Send your request to me along with payment to: John Dorr, K1AR, 2 
>Mitchell Pond Road, Windham, NH 03087. I have my engraver a little 
>overwhelmed right now (she's processing nearly 200 plaques for me), so I 
>would guess the lead-time on these orders will be about 60 days.
>We're making progress, guys. Thanks for your patience.
>73 John, K1AR
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