Mika Kauranen mika.kauranen@oulu.fi
Thu, 05 Dec 2002 12:08:47 +0200

Eih=E4n noille etel=E4n pojille p=E4rj=E4=E4...:

                                CQ WW SUMMARY SHEET

     Contest Dates : 23-Nov-02, 24-Nov-02

     Callsign Used : OH8LAE
         Operators : MIKA KAURANEN OH8LAE

          Category : SOABHP

  Default Exchange : 599 15

              Name : Mika Kauranen
           Address : Sortavalantie 20
    City/State/Zip : 91910 Tupos
           Country : Finland

         Team/Club : Contest Club Finland. Team: CCF Frozen Paddles

    BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Countries   Zones

   160CW       62          62         71        41         6
    80CW      182         182        249        60        12
    40CW      223         223        348        76        21
    20CW      576         576       1320        90        31
    15CW      549         548       1348        90        30
    10CW      306         306        667       108        27

  Totals     1898        1897       4003       465       127

     Final Score =3D 2369776 points.

  This is to certify that in the contest I have operated my transmitter=
  the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and
  regulations of the contest.

  Date ______________   Signed _____________________________  Call=

t: Mika

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