[CCF] Vl: FWRTC wrap-up

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi
Mon, 23 Dec 2002 11:27:39 +0200


    December 15, 2002 marked a final gathering of the WRTC2002 =
Organizing Committee and of all the spirited WRTC hosts in the shadow of =
a Formula racing track in Vantaa, near Helsinki Airport.
    Following an official report and a handover of the remaining work =
and accounts to Contest Club Finland (CCF), it was time for some fun =
activities. All the hosting station groups selected their driver and =
went for a session of serious racing. A total of ten (10) drivers, =
representing the same number of WRTC hosting teams, completed warm-up =
and qualifying laps and finally an actual race. These racing cars =
employed 10 h.p. engines - hence the race was quite speedy indeed.
    The finish line was cut first by Toni, OH2JTE (1), followed by Pasi, =
OH2MZB (2) and Esa, OH2KPU (3). A large scoreboard kept the crowd =
entertained, just as at the WRTC2002.
    The day was completed with a viewing of the WRTC official video =
which will be launched to the public at a CCF meeting January 17-19, =
2003. It is a dynamite "sports video" which shows amateur radio =
contesting for the first time as a serious sport. The narration is by =
ESPN Sports Channel commentator Mr. Kurt Perry and script by WRTC =
competitor James Brooks, 9V1YC.  =20
    Some 32,000 OJ1 thru OJ8 QSL cards will be released during the month =
of January while the certificates and T-shirts for the competing general =
participants will keep CCF active well into the year 2003. WRTC2002 was =
financially sound, and it is expected that the event=92s finances will =
stay positive  even after these obligatory activities are completed.
    While wrapping up their organizational activities / =
responsibilities, the WRTC2002 Organizing Committee members and the =
hosts finished off the evening by story telling about their hosted =
teams. They also wanted to extend Season=92s Greetings to everyone =
involved in the WRTC2002 in various parts of the world.=20
    Very Merry Christmas, =20
    Martti Laine, OH2BH

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