[CCF] Vl: [425ENG] 425 DX News #608

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen@kolumbus.fi
Sat, 28 Dec 2002 04:41:54 +0200

DX-vihjeiden joukossa vähän kontestiasiaakin...

Ari, OH5DX

>   28 December 2002                                               No 608
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
>!                                                                           !
>! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
>!       (e-mail i1jqj@425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ@IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
>! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
>!       (e-mail i121171@425dxn.org)                                         !
>                     ************************************
>                     *        TO ALL OUR READERS        *
>                     * WARMEST THOUGHTS AND BEST WISHES *
>                     *     FOR A WONDERFUL  HOLIDAY     *
>                     *    AND A  VERY HAPPY NEW YEAR    *
>                     ************************************
>                           + VICTOR RUSINOV, UT8LL +
>The IOTA community world wide  mourns the sudden  passing of Victor  Rusinov,
>UT8LL (UB5LGM), who  died in the  plane crash  on 23  December near  Esfahan,
>while on a business trip to Iran. Over the years Victor was a keen  supporter
>of the IOTA programme. He helped  his Ukrainian team-mates put on  operations
>from EU-119  (4K3MI), AS-005  (4K4D), AS-086  (4K4I), AS-039  (EZ0Z),  AS-104
>(4K4N), the Black Sea island groups EU-179, 180 and 182 (EM5UIA), as well as,
>just a few weeks ago, AS-166  (EP6KI). Victor was a man with  a big heart,  a
>huge sense of humour, and great charm.  With this went real generosity -  for
>the IOTA Programme we shall always be grateful for the financial contribution
>he made to fund an ongoing programme of annual trophies. [TNX G3KMA]
>                          >>> 425 DX NEWS SURVEY <<<
>The deadline for the 425 DX News DXCC  Most Wanted Survey is 6 January  2003.
>If you want to participate, please go to http://www.425dxn.org/surv2003/
>9N      - Kazu, JA8MWU will  be active (on  6-160 metres SSB  only) as  9N7WU
>           from Kathmandu, Nepal from 30 December  to 6 January. QSL via  home
>           call,  either  direct   (Kazunori  Abe,   12-5-9,  7-Jyo,   Kagura,
>           Asahikawa, 070-8007 Japan)  or through  the JARL  bureau. [TNX  The
>           Daily DX]
>DL      - Tom, DL1DVE plans to operate from several ARLHS lighthouses located
>           in the area around Hamburg and  Bremen between 27 and 30  December.
>           See http://www.qsl.net/dl1dve  for  his  "current"  position.  [TNX
>           DL1DVE]
>EA6     - Christian, DL6KAC will be active as EA6/DL6KAC from Mallorca Island
>           (DIE E-021), Balearic  Islands (EU-004)  until 9  January. QSL  via
>           home call either direct or through the DARC bureau. [TNX DL6KAC]
>HS      - E20AJ is the  call sign of  the amateur radio  station at the  20th
>           World  Scout   Jamboree  (http://www.worldscoutjamboree20.org)   in
>           Sattahip,  Thailand  [425DXN   605].  Several   stations  will   be
>           operational on  40,  20,  15  and  10  metres  (preferably  on  the
>           international scouting frequencies of 7090, 14290, 21360, 28390 and
>           28990 kHz),  plus the  following  segments on  80/160m:  3524-3526,
>           3534-3536, 1834-1836 KHz. QSL direct to HB9AOF; bureau cards should
>           be sent to E20AJ at the Thailand QSL Bureau (these will be  handled
>           by HS7AHV). Packet messages for people at the Jamboree can be  sent
>           to E20AJ@E20AJ.#STP.CBI.THA.AS [TNX HS0ZDZ/G3NOM]
>I       - Weather permitting,  Antonio, IZ8CCW  will be  active as  I8/IZ8CCW
>           from Scogli Coreca  (not IOTA,  IIA CS-004)  and Scoglio  Formicola
>           (not IOTA, IIA CS-003) on 4-5 January. [TNX IZ8CCW]
>JD1_oga - Those who need Ogasawara on 160 metres should look for 8N1OGA,  the
>           special station celebrating  the 75th anniversary  of JARL  [425DXN
>           592], to be active on 1-12 January from local sunset (around 8 UTC)
>           to sunrise (around 22 UTC). [TNX UA0MF]
>P4      - Alan, K4AVQ will  be active on  160-10 metres as  P40AV from  Aruba
>           (SA-036) on 4-18 January.  Special attention will  be given to  160
>           and 80 metres CW. QSL via K4AVQ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
>PJ      - Chris, DL5NAM  will be  active (mainly  on RTTY  and 6  metres)  as
>           PJ4/DL5NAM from Bonaire (SA-006) on 2-18 January. QSL via home call
>           either direct or through the bureau. [TNX The Daily DX]
>R1A_ant - Wally, RU1ZC (R1ANZ)  will be staying  at Mirny  base (WABA  UA-07,
>           IOTA AN-016) for another season until  2004. He can be found on  on
>           14160 kHz around 15.30 UTC for  his daily sked with his friends  in
>           Russia. [TNX DL5EBE]
>S2      - Eric, VA7DZ expects to operate as S21/VA7DZ from Bangladesh on  1-7
>           January. A side trip to St. Martin's Island (AS-127) is expected on
>           3-4 January.  QSL via  VA7DZ (Eric  Manning, 2909  Phyllis  Street,
>           Victoria, BC V8N 1Y8, Canada). [TNX The Daily DX]
>SM      - Special call  7S7SAN  will be  used  from  Sandhammaren  lighthouse
>           (SWE-055) for a few hours now and then until 5 January. QSL via the
>           bureau. [TNX VA3RJ]
>ST      - Falk/DK7YY (CW), Dietmar/DL3DXX  (CW), Uwe/DL9NDS  (SSB and  RTTY),
>           Felix/DL7FER (SSB and CW) and Chris/DL5NAM  (SSB and RTTY) will  be
>           active as ST0RY (yes, it  is Sierra Tango  Zero Radio Yankee)  from
>           Sudan for approximately three  weeks in March,  CQ WPX SSB  Contest
>           included. They will concentrate on the low bands, WARC, RTTY and  6
>           metres (in  this order)  with three  stations with  amplifiers  and
>           several antennas.  They are  looking  for financial  assistance  to
>           defray the high costs of the expedition; they are also looking  for
>           support "in kind" as they want to leave some equipment, books, etc.
>           to to the  national amateur  radio club.  If you  can help,  please
>           contact Chris, DL5NAM at dl5nam@darc.de [TNX DL5NAM]
>VP5     - Look  for  VP5/W6XK  (QSL  via  homecall)  and  VP5/N6EE  (QSL  via
>           homecall) to  be  active  (on  all bands  RTTY,  with  CW  and  SSB
>           operations mainly on the WARC and low bands) from the VP5B  contest
>           station  on  North  Caicos  (NA-002)  on  1-7  January.  They  will
>           participate in the ARRL RTTY Roundup as VP5NN (QSL via NN6NN). [TNX
>           The Daily DX]
>VQ9     - Larry, WD0HSP works on Diego Garcia (AF-006) and will be active  as
>           VQ9LA for  at least  the next  year. He  plans to  operate on  80-6
>           metres RTTY, SSB, CW and FM. QSL direct to DG21 Larry Arneson,  PSC
>           466, Box 24, FPO AP 96595-0024, USA). [TNX The Daily DX]
>W       - Howie, K1VSJ will  be active (CW  and SSB)  from Martha's  Vineyard
>           (NA-046) from 30 December to 1 January  [TNX The Daily DX]
>W       - Barring any  major blizzards,  the state  of North  Dakota will  be
>           activated during the ARRL RTTY Roundup (4-5 January) in a  portable
>           operation by  the  team of  NW0L,  AE9B, K0LW  and  W0ZAP.  Contest
>           callsign will be NW0L. QSL direct or via bureau. [TNX NW0L]
>YB      - YC3MM, YC3DIK and YC3HAR expect to operate as either homecall/p  or
>           YB3ZMI from Madura Island (OC-237) on 28 December. [TNX IZ8CCW]
>ZS7_ant - Anton, ZS7/ZS4AGA will  be staying at  SANAE IV  base (WABA  ZS-03,
>           IOTA AN-016)  until  the end  of  January. His  activities  on  the
>           amateur radio  bands are  very limited  now, due  his busy  working
>           schedule. He is expected to be back home in South Africa around  15
>           February. QSL via ZS4A. [TNX DL5EBE]
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>EU-119  --->  Nick,  RA1QQ  (ra1qq@cherepovets.ru)  plans  to  operate   from
>Morzhovets Island (EU-119)  during the summer  and is  looking for  financial
>assistance in order to charter the boat. [TNX RA1QHJ]
>EU-169 ---> ZA0IS (operated by ZA1FD  on CW and ZA5G  on SSB) and  ZA0/IK7JWX
>(SSB) logged  4804 QSOs  during their  18-23  December operation  from  Sazan
>Island (EU-169, ARLHS ALB-004, WLHA LH-0028). QSL for both via IK7JWX  either
>direct or through the bureau. [TNX IK7JWX]
>GACW KEY DAY ---> The GACW KD will take place from 18 UTC on 23 February 2003
>through 6  UTC  on the  24th.  This  is  not a  contest,  but  an  event  for
>encouraging amateur radio  operators to log  as many QSOs  as possible  using
>their straight keys. For further information  please e-mail Raul Diaz,  LU6EF
>IOTA QSLS ---> Direct cards  for the following  IOTA operations have  already
>been mailed or are being mailed right now, in order to reach the  "deserving"
>in time for the IOTA Honour Roll annual update:
>- IA5/IK4RUX (EU-028, August 2002), QSL via home call
>- IA5/IZ4AIH (EU-028, August 2002), QSL via home call
>- J48S (EU-049, July 2002), QSL via ON4AAC
>- V63RE & V63WN (OC-253, October 2002), QSL via IT9YRE
>- V63RE & V63WN (OC-254, October-November 2002), QSL via IT9YRE
>JIDX CW CONTEST ---> In 2003 there will be the unification between the  Japan
>International DX Low Band  CW Contest (which  used to be  held on the  second
>weekend of January)  and the JIDX  High Band CW  Contest (to be  held on  the
>second weekend of April). Following this  decision, contest rule will  change
>(please visit http://je1cka.jzap.com/jidx/jidxrule-e.html)  and the JIDX  Low
>Band will be  replaced by the  East Asia/160/80m DX  CW Contest (see  below).
>NEW 160/80M  CONTEST --->  The first  edition of  the  newly born  East  Asia
>160/80m DX Contest, sponsored by "Five  Nine" magazine, will  be held from  9
>UTC on 11  January through 22  UTC on  the 12th.  This is  a single  operator
>(three categories) CW only competition and the objective, for DX statons,  is
>to contact as many East Asia  amateurs as possible. "East Asia" includes  UA0
>(Zone 19), HL1, HL2, HL3, HL4, HL5, HL0, P5, JA1 (including 7K1-7N4  prefix),
>JA2, JA3, JA4, JA5, JA6, JA7, JA8, JA9, JA0, JR6/Okinawa (including JR6AA-NZ,
>JR6QUA-ZZZ, JS6, 7J6CAA-CZZ,  while JR6AAA-QQZ count  as JA6),  JD1/Ogasawara
>(not JD1/Minami Tori  Shima). For further  information, please contact  Toshi
>Kusano, JA1ELY (ja1ely@bb.mbn.or.jp) or visit http://tamo.dip.jp [TNX JA1ELY]
>NOT THE MANAGER ---> Glenn, K5ZE  reports he no longer manages YB0GG,  YC1WAE
>and YC0YAD. QSLs can be sent via the bureau.
>PIRATE ---> Denise,  F6HWU has  received cards  for contacts  made with  S9WU
>(Principe Island) on  16 November, around  20 UTC on  17 metres. Please  note
>that the operator  was not  the genuine  Denise, do  not waste  your time  on
>sending cards for this one.
>QSL HT9T ---> Bob Myers, K2TV is receiving cards for this station, but he  is
>not the QSL manager for HT9T (he was once the manager for HT9TM).
>QSL P40K ---> Erminio, I2EOW is receiving direct cards for the recent [425DXN
>604] P40K operation. Please note that the correct QSL route for this activity
>is via WM6A.
>QSL ZS7/ZS4AGA  ---> Please  note  a change  in  QSL management  for  Anton's
>activities from Antarctica. Cards for contacts made with Anton operating from
>SANAE IV base (WABA ZS-03) should be sent  as always to ZS4A, while from  now
>on cards for contacts made with E-Base (WABA ZS-04) should be sent to  DL5EBE
>(Dominik Weiel, Johannes-Meyer-Str. 13, D -  49808 Lingen, Germany).  Dominik
>has already received the logs and a special QSL card is going to be  printed.
>QSL VIA KU9C  ---> Please note  that Steve's old  address will  be closed  in
>early 2003, at which time there will be  a short forwarding to him, and  then
>the mail will  be returned to  the sender. As  already reported, his  current
>address is: Steve Wheatley, P.O.  Box 31, Morristown,  NJ 07963-0031, USA.  A
>complete list of the stations he manages is at http://www.ku9c.com
>QSL VIA  VK3DYL --->  Gwen, VK3DYL,  QSL manager  for  the VK9YL  and  ZK1XYL
>DXpeditions in  September/October, reports  that  all direct  requests  (with
>return postage) received prior to Christmas  Day have been mailed back.  Gwen
>also wishes to advise that it is the group's policy only to accept QSL  cards
>sent direct or via the VK3 bureau, not as e-QSLs.
>ZL1AMO --->  Judy, AA7UC  reports that  "As of  23  December the  ZL1AMO  Air
>Ambulance Fund is  within $5,000 USD  of reaching  its goal  of $20,000  USD.
>Funds received, as  of this date,  have been forwarded  to the air  ambulance
>account in New Zealand and INDEXA  has covered the  expenses involved in  the
>transfer of funds". Although still in  isolation, Ron "continues to  improve,
>slowly but surely".
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>BY CALLBOOK:   QSL information  for  Chinese  stations  (including  addresses
>                given  in  both   English  and  Chinese)   can  be  found   at
>                http://www.chinaqrz.com [TNX The Daily DX]
>LOGS:          Online logs  for the  recent ZW8P  operation from  SA-060  are
>                available at http://www.zw8p.hpg.ig.com.br [TNX PT2ND]
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
>3Z5WKD      SP5PMU      HF70A       SP9PRO      R1ANZ       RU1ZC
>4L1FX       DJ1CW       HF70E       SQ9AOJ      RA9LI/9     DF6ZFG
>4L8A        OZ1HPS      HF70G       SP2DNI      RI4M        RN4LP
>5R8FU       SM5DJZ      HF70I       SP6IHE      S21AR       JA1UT
>5U7JB       ON5NT       HF70M       SP2PI       SN70A       SP9EVP
>5X1Z        SM6CAS      HF70N       SP7CVW      SN70E       SP6CDP
>6J1YYD      EA5KB       HG03HNY     HG4I        SN70G       SP1PBT
>8P9HT       K4BAI       HP1AC       EA5KB       SN70I       SP5PPK
>8P9Z        K4BAI       HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       SN70M       SP5ZCC
>9A0M        9A2F (a)    HS0ZCW      K4VUD       SN70N       SP6JKH
>9A0M        9A6WW (b)   HZ1HZ       K8PYD       SW1W        SV1CIB
>9A1CAL      9A2F (a)    IK7JWY      IK7JWX      TI9JJP      TI2JJP
>9A1CAL      9A6WW (b)   IU5ONU      I5KKW       TK1C        F5MZN
>9G1UW       DL8UP       IU7M        IK7JWX      TM1P        F8BON
>9J2BO       G3TEV       J37K        AC8G        TM9W        F8NAN
>9N7YJ       LA5YJ       JT1FBB      W9JOE       TO2FG       F6HMJ
>A92ZE       K4SXT       K1D         W1DAD       UA0AZ       W3HNK
>C6ANK       W9AU        KC4/N2TA    N2TA        UA9YAU      W4CMB
>CN8NK       EA5XX       KG4DX       W4WX        UK8DAN      RW6HS
>CO8TW       IZ8CCW      KH0/JA1HOD  JA1HOD      UN8PY       DL8KAC
>CX3UG       EA5KB       KH0/JA1UII  JA1UII      UN9L        LZ1YE
>D44TD       CT1EKF      KH0/JA3MVI  JA3MVI      UN9PQ       IK2QPR
>D88S        DS4CNB      KH0/JJ1CDY  JJ1CDY      UT1QK       DJ0LZ
>DU1KT       KU9C        LP7H        EA7FTR      V31MX       K0BCN
>EA9EU       EA9AZ       LQ7D        AC7DX       W2C         W2AGN
>EX8NP       IK2QPR      LT0H        EA7FTR      XT2ATI      EA4YK
>FM5GU       KU9C        LU1ZA       LU4DXU      XU7ACE      ES1FB
>FM5WD       W3HNK       LU6XQ       WD9EWK      XW1IC       E21EIC
>FO5VO       W6OM        LX5A        LX1RQ       YM2RC       TA2RC
>FP5BZ       F5TJP       LZ0A        LZ1KDP      Z32FD       DJ0LZ
>GB2APL      G0PSE       MD4K        G3NKC       ZA0/IK7JWX  IK7JWX
>GM4YXI      N3SL        MD6V        G3NKC       ZA0IS       IK7JWX
>HA40ZH      HA1ZH       P40B        I2MQP       ZK3SA       JH7OHF
>HC1HC       NE8Z        PV7G        PY7XC       ZW8P        PT2PS
>(a) HF + 6m
>(b) 144 MHz and up
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>7P8ZZ   Andre van Wyk, P.O. Box 1220, JHB International Airport 1627, South
>         Africa
>DJ0LZ   Ace Jevremov, P.O. Box 14, D-82378 Peissenberg, Germany
>DS4CNB  Lee Dae Ryung, P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea
>E21EIC  Champ C. Muangamphun, P.O. Box 1090, Kasetsart University, Bangkok
>         10903, Thailand
>EA4YK   Ricardo J. Hartasanchez, P.O.Box 41079, 28080 Madrid, Spain
>EA7FTR  Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva, Spain
>HG4I    Tibor Szabo, Budai u. 6., H-2465 Rackeresztur, Hungary
>IK7JWX  Alfredo De Nisi, P.O. Box 218, 73100 Lecce - LE, Italy
>IT9YRE  Ferdinando Rubino, P.O. Box 30, 96012 Avola - SR, Italy
>JH3PAS  Kiyotaka Ichikawa, 1-74-3 Issiki-Nishi Hiraoka, Kakogawa, 675-0117
>         Japan
>LA5YJ   Hugo Bjorn Ark, Rute 504, Reinsvoll, N-2840 Norway
>LU4DXU  Horacio "Henry" Ledo, P.O. Box 22, Martinez 1640, Buenos Aires,
>         Argentina
>NE8Z    Rick Dorsch, P.O. Box 616, Hamburg, MI 48139, USA
>ON5NT   Ghis Penny, P.O. Box 93, B-9700 Oudenaarde, Belgium
>PY7XC   Jemesson Faria, Rua Dhalia 228 AP401, 51020-290 Recife - PE, Brazil
>SP1PBT  ZOT PZK - SP1PBT, P.O. Box 599, 70-952 Szczecin 2, Poland
>SV1CIB  Dimitris Lianos, P.O. Box 127, 30100 Agrinio, Greece
>TI2JJP  Jose Pastora, P.O. Box 2048-2050, San Pedro Montes Oca, San Jose,
>         Costa Rica
>UA0LCZ  Vlado Miroshnichenko, P.O. Box 41-21, Vladivostok, 690041, Russia
>UA0SJ   Yuri A. Maltsev, P.O. Box 2304, Bratsk-city, 665700, Russia
>V63USA  P.O. Box 1480, APO AP 96555, USA
>VK3DYL  Gwen Tilson, 3 Gould Crt, Mt Waverley, Victoria, 3149, Australia
>W1DAD   Peter Schipelliti, 7 Dearborn Ridge Rd, Atkinson, NH 03811, USA
>W2AGN   John L. Sielke, 1353 Samuel Dr, Vineland, NJ 08360, USA
>WA8REI  Ken Louks, 10475 Tittabawassee Rd, Freeland, Michigan 48623, USA
>             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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>Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
>425 DX News Editor
>E-mail: i1jqj@425dxn.org 
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