[CCF] Vl: [CQ-Contest] IG9A 2002 OP WANTED CQWW 2002
Ari Korhonen
Thu, 18 Jul 2002 13:33:17 +0300
Onko menijöitä?
>I am looking for a friend to take part in the coming CQWW Contests.
>IG9A will be not active as M/M this year but we hope to be QRV all bands
>Single Op entries.
>There is space for a SO/80 meters or SO/160 meters entry for the SSB Contest
>and for
>a SO/All Band in the CW Contest.
>I will operate SO/All band in the SSB Contest and SO/80 in the CW.
>It is requested to be in Lampedusa from Oct21 to Oct28 and from Nov21 to
>Both periods QRV is a must as I am looking for help to erect antennas and to
>take them
>down in November.
>Goals are:
>First place 80 meters SSB with All Time record setting.
>One of the first 3 place for SO/ALL SSB.
>First place 80 meters CW with All Time record setting.
>One of the first 3 place for SO/ALL CW.
>We need only a TRX, a rotator and a two elements 40 mts Yagi to complete two
>First station (All bands):
>Location: highest point in the island near TV repeater (NO TVI);
>KT34XA on a 18 mts tower;
>6 el. 15 mts + 5 el. 10 mts Yagi on the second 18 mts aluminum tower;
>5 el. 20 mts + 2 el. 40 mts Yagi on the third 18 mts aluminum tower;
>80 meters sloopers, 160 mts dipole and sloopers from a 25 meters TV
>broadcast tower;
>Beverages to W and NW (No other directions possible).
>Second station (80 and/or 160 meters):
>Location: previous M/M QTH in the north side of the island over a 60 meter
>Quarter wave vertical with >120 radials;
>Several Beverages;
>If you are interested please e-mail me directly: fgrisafi@tin.it
>73 de Fabio, IT9GSF (One of IG9A 1994-2001).
>CQ-Contest mailing list