[CCF] Onko kellään toimivaa 486-konetta vapaana?

Ville Hiilesmaa oh2mm@nettilinja.fi
Thu, 27 Jun 2002 00:21:17 +0200

Dick Norton haluaisi lainata 486-kompuutterin WRTC:tä varten, ettei
tarttis tuoda omaa Kaliforniasta saakka.
Olisko jollain pääkaupunkiseudulla sellaista lainata ajaksi 6.7.-15.7.?
Haen ja palautan koneen. Ostokin voi tulla kyseeseen (kts. alla)
73 Ville


      Date: Wed, 26 Jun 2002 11:21:54 -0700
      From: "Richard J. Norton" <ae327@lafn.org>
        To: "Ville Hiilesmaa" <oh2mm@nettilinja.fi>

On some of the other issues, if we could find a 486 computer with 2
serial ports and 1 parallel port, that would be perfect. If one of the
serial ports had the large connector, and the other had the small
connector, that would match my cables. If not, we can adapt. That
would save bringing the computer, the monitor, and keyboard. 486s are
available here used for a pretty low price. If you don't locate one,
maybe we could buy one there. The reason for using a large computer,
rather than a laptop, is that I'd like to plug the W9XT voice CQ
machine into one of the slots.