Kari Hirvonen kari.hirvonen@alpha.fi
Wed, 01 May 2002 19:02:11 +0300

S P - D X   R T T Y   C o n t e s t   2 0 0 2

Call used: O H 2 B P
Location:  Helsinki, Finland

Entry Class: Single Op, All Band, High power

Band    QSOs   Pts  Qth     DX  Cont

80        96   514    13    24     2
40       141   804    15    35     5
20       248  1491    13    50     5
15       117   937     5    32     5
10        42   349     4    18     5
-----   ----  ----  ----  ----  ----
Total    644  4095    50   159     6

Continents counted only once (not once per band)
wrked hours: 24 h.

Claimed Score: 5,135.130

RTTY by WF1B  v5.02 / PK232MBX & parallel DSP decoder / oscillosope

Power Output: High

Soap Box Info:

Plenty of SP stn activity; wrked 35 SP on 80M, 45 SP on 40M, 45 SP on
20M & 5 SP on 15M / 5 SP 10M
Some rare ones logged during the test - like FO5PS,  FY5FU, 4K1DI, AP1IA
and VP2BG just to mention a few.

OH2BP stn descripition
Station #1 JSR-245 + JRL-2000FH (1 KW MosFet)
Station #2 IC-756PRO
Tower# 1 Cushcraft X9 & XM240 @ 26 meter
Tower #2 Fritzel FB53 @ 18 meter

Thanks for Qsos - see U in the next one.

73 de Kari OH2BP

'T h e   L i f e   i s   F o r   R T T Y   C o n t e s t i n g'

                Kari Hirvonen, Alpha Point Ltd (Alfa Point Oy)
           /\   Vernissakatu 8A, FIN-01300 Vantaa, Finland
          /  \  kari.hirvonen@alpha.fi   (private: oh2bp@alpha.fi)
   ___   /  /   WWW: http://www.alpha.fi/oh2bp
 /  _  \/  /    Show room addr. Maatullinaukio 10 B Helsinki
/  / \     \           Mobile: +358-50-68800
\  \_/  /\  \   /\     Office: +358-9-34 64 34 1
 \ ___ /  \__\ /__\    Fax:    +358-9-34 64 34 2
                Amateur Radio Call OH2BP / OH0BP