[CCF] FW: [CQ-Contest] Fishy spots in WPX SSB

jukka.klemola at nokia.com jukka.klemola at nokia.com
Wed Apr 9 18:32:55 EDT 2003

Onneksi ei ole suomalaisia listalla.
Tonno on nähnyt vaivaa ja yksi kilpailudopingin muoto
on esillä.

Doping tullee kilpailupalstan aiheeksi RA 6/2003.
Antakaa muutkin ajatuksianne kirjoitteluun dopingista


> -----Original Message-----
> From: ext Tonno Vahk [mailto:tonno.vahk at mail.ee]
> Sent: 09 April, 2003 00:46
> To: cq-contest at contesting.com
> Subject: [CQ-Contest] Fishy spots in WPX SSB
> I decided to analyse spots after my SO 80m effort to get some 
> insights about
> their effect on my rate and propagation conditions. Well, 
> there were only 4
> for my dissapointment while only one from US - condx were 
> very poor indeed.
> But I noticed some spots that disturbed me and I decided to 
> analyse the
> whole set of spots just to see if the extent of "suspicious" 
> spotting has
> decreased from last year when Jamie, NS3T, provided us with 
> actually quite
> shocking data.
> I am just providing you figures - you can decide what to make 
> of it. I only
> took out data about stations who had spotted only one station 
> in the contest
> or made maybe 1 other spot. I omitted most of those that had 
> made less than
> 5 spots although their were quite some unpleasant cases as 
> well. I agree
> that we cannot disqualify anybody based on this data and we 
> cannot prove
> much but what we can do is to take clear positions and agree 
> where is the
> line that we should not cross. Are 15-20 spots by another 
> member of the club
> who has only spotted one station OK behaviour? It is shame to 
> see that some
> stations who are QTH-wise anyway in advantageous position 
> still get some
> excessive help from their friends. It makes me sad!
> I am bringing this up because only by peer pressure we can get rid of
> self-spotting and excessive friend-spotting. I think that 
> would make contest
> more fair and would benefit us all. This is all public data 
> so please don't
> accuse me in disclosing anything or in witchhunting:) If most 
> of the people
> find this OK then so be it!
> 1. Self-spotting...?
> CA2WUI made 12 spots in the contest - 11 were of CA2WUI and 1 of XR6T
> LU9ESD made 6 spots in the contest - all 6 of LU9ESD
> SV9FBG made 6 spots in the contest - all 6 of SV9FBG
> XV1DT made 4 spots in the contest - all 4 of XV9DT (XV1DT is 
> his old call)
> If those spots are really made by themselves then are they 
> unaware of the
> prohibation of self-spotting or do they think that it does 
> not apply to
> them??
> 2. Operator-spotting?
> OM3CGN made 16 spots - all of 4U1ITU. OM3CGN was operating the station
> before and after WPX, I don't know for sure if also in WPX.
> JT1BV made 6 spots - all of JU1DX. He is QSL manager and 
> member of club, I
> don't know if was operator. He was also mentioned by NS3T last year.
> 3. Friend spotting?
> ON5UM made 8 spots - 7 of them of OT3A. ON5UM was OT3A op in CQWW 160
> F1ORL made 9 spots - all of TM2F. F1ORL is a member of TM2F club.
> DL2JRM made 9 spots - 8 of them of DN1CUR. DL2JRM and DE2ROB 
> (operated at
> DN1CUR) are co-ops at DA0MF.
> IK2HKT made 15 spots - 12 of them of IR2K. He is in the same 
> contest club as
> the op at IR2K.
> IT9GNG made 12 spots - all of IT9FXY. They have gone to IOTA 
> expeditions
> together.
> K1JN made 6 spots - all of WE1H. They are members of the same 
> contest group.
> K4ISV made 7 spots - all of VP5V. K4ISV is the owner of VP5V 
> villa-QTH.
> UA9JMB made 7 spots - all of RA9JR. They are co-ops in RK9JWR.
> W8QZA made 17 spots - 16 of them of TI5N. W8QZA is a very 
> frequent op from
> TI5N, but not this time.
> YL2LY made 15 spots - 14 of them of C5P. His friends YL stations were
> operating from C5.
> 4. Cases with extremely strong army of supporters. Those 
> cases are quite
> interesting!
> L71F case - LT1H (L71H) caught also NS3T's eye last year:
> CE3BFZ made 6 spots - all of L71F
> KQ7W made 6 spots - all of L71F
> LU4ESE made 12 spots - all of L71F
> LU6EBY made 3 spots - all of L71F
> LU8ASO made 3 spots - all of L71F
> YV5MMX made 9 spots - all of L71F
> ZP5MAL made 5 spots - all of L71F
> This looks like a full time spotting team! - 44 spots.
> ZP40Z case - operator ZP5AZL
> JA7AYE made 3 spots - all of ZP40Z
> JA7XYE made 4 spots - all of ZP40Z
> N3BNA made 6 spots - all of ZP40Z. N3BNA is a very good 
> friend of ZP5AZL.
> PY5QAZ made 2 spots - all of ZP40Z
> ZP5VBA made 4 spots - all of ZP40Z
> TO3M case - QTH FM5BH
> F6HEQ made 5 spots - all of TO3M. F6HEQ is QSL manager for FM5BH
> F8AAN made 3 spots - all of TO3M
> FM5BH made 2 spots - all of TO3M
> FM5DS made 7 spots - all of TO3M. FM5DS is co-op of FM5BH
> FM5FJ made 5 spots - 4 of them of TO3M. FM5FJ is co-op of FM5BH
> FM5WD made 5 spots  - all of TO3M. FM5WD is co-op of FM5BH
> FM5WE made 2 spots - all of TO3M
> All of those spots are submitted from browser (they have @ 
> sign) exept one -
> the one only other spot by FM5FJ (9A8A)!! All the comments 
> are with capital
> letters  (!) and more less the same (MARTINIQUE ISLAND VIA 
> DJ2MX) as if they
> were posted by the same person. Well at least from the same computer.
> Those 3 stations have really received a huge support from 
> their friends, I
> don't know what to make of it. I hope that you can decide 
> whether it is OK
> or not. I don't know. I does seem a bit unfair to me.
> 5. Cases were I could not always find direct link while 
> briefly checking the
> web.
> YU6RKB made 17 (!) spots - all of YT6A
> K8UI made 4 spots - all of YT6A
> YS1MAE made 5 spots - all of HU1M
> UR7IJQ made 5 spots - all of US7IGF.
> NS3T 2002: UR7IJQ spotted US7IGF 12 times - UR7IJQ made only 
> one other WPX
> contest spot.
> PT7WA made 4 spots - all of ZY7C. PT7WA is QSL manager and op for ZY7C
> PT7VB made 3 spots - all of ZY7C
> PP5CV made 5 spots - all of ZV5K
> ER1BAF made 5 spots - all of ER1Q
> ER1OO made 3 spots - all of ER1Q
> EY8ZA made 6 spots - all of D4B
> F5JIT made 5 spots - all of TM9OO
> F8DGQ made 2 spots - all of TM9OO
> G4WSE made 10 spots - all of G8A
> IK1RLF made 19 spots (!) - all of IR2G
> IV3DIW made 7 spots - all of II3M
> IK6TJT made 8 spots - 7 of them of IR4T
> 73
> Tonno
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