[CCF] Vl: [425ENG] 425 DX News #614

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen at kolumbus.fi
Sat Feb 8 05:24:45 EST 2003

>   08 February 2003                                               No 614
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
>!                                                                           !
>! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
>!       (e-mail i1jqj at 425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ at IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
>! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
>!       (e-mail i121171 at 425dxn.org)                                         !
>6Y     - John, K3TEJ will be active (on  10-160 metres CW) as 6Y5/K3TEJ  from
>          Jamaica (NA-097) on 11-18 February. He will participate in the  ARRL
>          DX CW Contest as 6Y0T. QSLs via K3TEJ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
>9V     - John Davies,  9V1VV is  quite active  (CW only)  from Singapore.  He
>          prefers 80, 40 and 30 metres and  his operating hours are 14 UTC  to
>          about 22  UTC.  John  would  welcome  more  QSOs  with  Europe.  QSL
>          information is at qrz.com [TNX 9V1VV]
>CE     - Atacama Desert  DX Group  operators CA2WUI,  XQ1ZW, XQ1IDM,  CE1URH,
>          CE1VLY, CE1RQB and CE1FLS will be active as 3G1P from Pan de  Azucar
>          (SA-085) on 14-17 March. They will operate on 6-160 metres SSB,  CW,
>          PSK31, RTTY and maybe SSTV. QSL via XQ1IDM (Nicolas Herrera G., P.O.
>          Box 345, Antofagasta, Chile).  A web page  is under construction  at
>          http://www.qsl.net/3g1p [TNX XQ1IDM]
>CE0_eas- Ralph, K0HML will be active (mainly on 20 metres SSB, with some  17,
>          15 and 10 metres) as CE0Y/K0HML from Easter Island (SA-0019 on 11-14
>          February. QSL via home call. [TNX ARRL DX Bulletin]
>CO     - The following nine special event stations  will be activated on  all
>          bands and modes by the Federacion de Radioaficionados de Cuba  (FRC)
>          to celebrate the 150th  anniversary of the  birth of Cuban  national
>          hero Jose Marti: CO0J (8-9 February), CO0O (8-9 March), CO0S  (11-13
>          April), CO0E (10-11 May), CO0M (14-15 June), CO0A (12-13 July), CO0R
>          (9-10 August),  CO0T (13-14  September), CO0I  (11-12 October).  All
>          QSOs will be confirmed automtically via bureau. A special award will
>          be issued to  those who will  work all  of the  nine stations.  [TNX
>          CO2QQ]
>D4     - UA3TT will  participate  in  the CQ/RJ  WW  WPX  RTTY  Contest  (8-9
>          February) as D44AC (SOSB - 10 metres, LP) from the D44TT/D4B contest
>          station. QSL via RW3TN. [TNX NG3K]
>FG     - Marco, IK1ACX reports he will be active  (on 10, 12, 15, 17, 20  and
>          40 metres) as FG/IK1ACX from Guadeloupe on 12-23 February.
>FM     - Ed, AJ6V will be active as  FM5BH from Martinique (NA-107) on  11-18
>          February, includin a SOAB entry  in the ARRL  DX CW Contest.  Before
>          and after the  contest he will  concentrate on SSB.  QSL via  W3HNK.
>          [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
>HP     - Jean-Michel, F6AJA from "Les Nouvelles DX  reports that Joel,  F5PAC
>          is returning to  Panama from  23 February  until 24  March. He  will
>          operate from a few IOTA groups as follows:
>          25-27 February   NA-170      11-12 March   NA-071
>          03-05 March      NA-202      15-16 March   NA-203
>          08-09 March      NA-088      19-20 March   NA-072
>          His web site is at http://www.qsl.net/f5pac
>KG4    - Don W4ZYT/KG4ZK,  Chuck  N8CH/KG4NW, Gordon  KU4EC/KG4EC,  and  Chet
>          N6ZO/KG4ZO  will  be  active  from  Guantanamo  on  11-19  February,
>          including an  entry in  the ARRL  DX CW  Contest as  KG4DZ (QSL  via
>          W4SD). [TNX QRZ-DX]
>KH2    - Yuki/JH1NBN, Kaoru/JA3MCA  and Kai/JE3NJZ  will be  active on  160-6
>          metres CW,  SSB  and  digital modes  from  Guam  (OC-026)  on  13-17
>          February. The calls  will be  K3ZB/KH2 (QSL  via JH1NBN),  W3MCA/KH2
>          (QSL via JA3MCA) and N3JZ/KH2 (QSL via JE3NJZ). [TNX JA1ELY]
>OZ     - OZ0J, OZ2KL and OZ1ETA will participate in the ARRL DX CW Contest as
>          OZ0Q (Multi-Single  HP).  QSL via  bureau  or direct.  Web  page  at
>          http://www.oz7ham.dk [TNX OZ0J]
>PJ4    - K2NG, K2TW, NO2R will participate in  the ARRL DX CW Contest  (15-16
>          February) as  PJ4G (Multi-Single)  from  Bonaire (SA-006).  QSL  via
>          WA2NHA. They will be active on  all bands also before and after  the
>          contest. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
>VP5    - Look for VP5/K3LP, VP5/WX3B, VP5/N3SB and VP5/N7DD to be active  (on
>          160-10 metres CW, SSB and Satellite)  from North Caicos (NA-002)  on
>          12-19 February. They will participate in  the ARRL CW DX Contest  as
>          VP5LP. QSL direct only via N4ZH. [TNX The Daily DX]
>XT     - Fred, G4BWP  is due  to leave  for Burkina  Faso on  10 February  to
>          operate with his XT2WP call during  the ARRL DX CW Contest (SOSB  15
>          metres). Time permitting beforehand he will be QRV from 11  February
>          on 30, 17 and 12 metres  CW, as well as on 6  metres. He expects  to
>          QRT on 17 February. QSL via G4BWP. [TNX The Golist]
>ZS    -  Phil/G3SWH, David/G3UNA,   Vidi/ZS1EL, Kosie/ZS1SR,   Malcolm/ZS1MC,
>          Andrew/ZS1AN and  Hester/ZS1ESU will   be  active  as   ZS1RBN  from
>          Robben   Island  (AF-064) on  4-7  April. They  plan  to have    two
>          stations active 24 hours a  day on 10-40 metres SSB and CW. QSL  via
>          G3SWH,  either  direct  (Phil   Whitchurch,  21  Dickensons   Grove,
>          Congresbury, Bristol BS49 5HQ, England) or through the RSGB  bureau.
>          [TNX G3SWH]
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>AH3D ---> The three operators were  due to leave  the island at  23 UTC on  4
>February. Their schedule was to shut  down around 19 UTC,  but they went  off
>the air at about 12 UTC, packed up gear and antennas, and after six hours  of
>sleep got back  on the air  using the equipment  at the  local amateur  radio
>club. They were able to operate until almost 00 UTC, when they were told  the
>airplane was ready to  board. AH3D made  a total of  28,808 QSOs (17744  SSB,
>10295 CW, 769 RTTY) in six days of operating. [TNX The Daily DX]
>CELTIC CONNECTIONS --->  The GMDX  Group introduces  "Celtic Connections"  to
>encourage activity  by all  radio amateurs  worldwide to  contact areas  with
>Celtic origins:  Galicia and  Asturias (Spain),  Ireland, Brittany  (France),
>Cornwall (England), Isle of Man, Northern  Ireland, Scotland, Wales and  Nova
>Scotia (Canada). This "activity weekend" is  to be held on the third  weekend
>in April each  year (in 2003  it will start  00:00 UTC on  19 April and  last
>until  24.00  UTC  on  the  20th).  Reports  on  activity  are  welcome   and
>certificates of participation will be awarded to anyone who submits a report.
>Further details from GM3YOR (Drew Givens,  5 Langhouse Place, Inverkip,  PA16
>0EW, Scotland, UK) or from the GMDX Group web site  (http://www.gmdx.org.uk).
>DXCC HONOR ROLL ---> In order to appear in the next list, that will appear in
>August 2003 QST, you must be  current on the DXCC Honor Roll  as of 31  March
>2003. Applications  must  be received,  or  postmarked, 31  March.  With  the
>addition of Ducie Island in 2002, the minimum number of entities required  is
>326, and these include only current  entities. Deleted entities do not  count
>towards Honor  Roll. For  Number One  Honor Roll,  the total  is 335  current
>NEW AWARD  ---> The  GMDX Group  announces the  new "Celtic  Knot Award"  for
>working stations in lands generally agreed to be those of the Celtic peoples,
>namely Scotland (GM), Northern Ireland (GI), Ireland (EI), Isle of Man  (GD),
>Wales (GW), Cornwall  (G), Brittany (F),  Galicia and Asturias  (EA1) and  to
>celebrate its Scottish heritage, Nova Scotia  (VE1). The GMDX Group  sponsors
>also the "Worked All Scottish Prefix  Award", which is available to  licenced
>amateurs and SWLs  for confirmed/heard contacts  with radio amateur  stations
>located in Scotland. Requirements and further information are available  from
>the GMDX Group web site (http://www.gmdx.org.uk). [TNX GM3YOR]
>NOT THE MANAGER ---> Gary, NM7G has not  been manager for James, Z21CA for  a
>decade. "I have received no logs  since 1992", he says.  "James is now  9J2CA
>and has no manager to my knowledge".
>PIRATE ---> OD5CM,  who has  been active  for several  months on  160 and  80
>metres CW, appears to be a pirate. RAL President OD5CN states that this  call
>"belongs to John  Turner, an American  who left Lebanon  35 years ago".  [TNX
>QSL 6W#/F8IXZ --->  Jean-Marc, F8IXZ reports  that all of  the 6W1/F8IXZ  and
>6W4/F8IXZ direct cards were sent out  between 31 January and 3 February.  The
>remaining  QSOs  have  been  confirmed  automatically  through  the   bureau.
>Jean-Marc logged 1350 QSOs during his trip to Senegal in December 2003.
>QSL FW8FP ---> The  QSL cards are  expected to arrive  from the printer  this
>coming week and Bill, VK4FW will  start processing the requests  immediately.
>All mail received has been put in date  order and will be answered the  same.
>Please do not send second cards. [TNX VK4FW]
>QSL HK6PSG  ---> Due  to the  cost of  the mail  in Colombia,  all QSL  cards
>(direct and  bureau) for  Luis, HK6PSG  should be  sent to  his QSL  manager,
>QSL K1B (SSB) ---> "I completely understand the problems that many of you are
>having  getting  the  SSB   K1B  QSL  cards",   Roman  Thomas,  RZ3AA   says.
>"Unfortunately the  mail  situation in  my  country certainly  has  room  for
>improvement. In hindsight it was probably not a good choice to use a  Russian
>QSL address". Roman and  Dave, K4SV (ex  KW4DA, a K1B  team member) have  now
>arranged for a QSL manager in North America to handle K1B SSB QSL cards. Send
>your QSL card,  plus SAE and  return postage (SASE  for US  stations) (1  USD
>preferred, 1 large IRC accepted) to  K4YL (ex W4SMG): Stephen M. Grose,  P.O.
>Box   183,   Flat    Rock,   North   Carolina    28731-0183,   USA    (e-mail
>K4YL at Highstream.net). All  cards will  be processed  in  the order  they  are
>received and depending on the demand,  some delay might result if  additional
>cards have to be printed. Please note that  this QSL route is for DIRECT  SSB
>CARDS ONLY: bureau cards still go to RZ3AA, while CW and Digital requests are
>still to be sent to YT1AD. [TNX K4SV]
>QSL KL7J & VY1JA ---> As of 1 February 2003, Kim Larson, daughter of N3SL, is
>the QSL manager  for "J", VY1JA  and Les, KL7J.  She is handling  all of  the
>VY1JA cards EXCEPT for Japan, which  remain with Akio,  JA3JM. QSL direct  or
>bureau. QSLs for KL7J are via  direct ONLY. The address is  Kim Larson, 22  N
>Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA. The logs of both of these  active
>stations,   al    well   as    QSL   instructions,    can   be    found    at
>http://www.qsl.net/n3sl/manager.htm [TNX N3SL]
>QSL ZL7C ---> "Please be patient regarding the issue of ZL7C QSL cards",  Ken
>Holdom, ZL4HU says. The cards have been received and Ken is working on  them.
>Do not send 2nd QSL requests, as they cause further delays in processing.
>QSL MANAGER OFFERED  ---> Peppe Gerace,  IZ8EBI is willing  to act  as a  QSL
>manager   for    one   or    more   stations.    His   web    site   is    at
>http://space.virgilio.it/iz8ebi@tin.it/  and   he   can   be   contacted   at
>iz8ebi at email.it
>S.I.A. ---> The  Sicilian Islands Award  (SIA) is sponsored  by ARI  Siracusa
>(http://siracusanet.it/arisiracusa)  and  is  available  to  either  licenced
>amateurs and SWLs. Further  information is available  from the Award  Manager
>Salvo Costantino, IT9HLR (e-mail it9hlr at simail.it)
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>XY2A:  Pictures  from  XY2A  are  available  at  http://qth.com/dxshack  [TNX
>        JI6KVR]
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
>5R8FU       SM5DJZ      HH6/DL7CM   DL7CM       SX1R        SV1XV
>5T5HC       JA0HC       HH6/DM2AYO  DM2AYO      T31MY       OM2SA
>6J2AC       EA5OL       HK6DOS      EA5KB       T88RH       JA5ROH
>7Q7LA       G0IAS       HR5/F2JD    F6AJA       T88TM       JA5AUC
>7Q7QB       G0IAS       HS0/OZ1HET  OZ1ACB      TU5JD       IK2IQD
>9K2AI       N9NU        II1D        IZ1CCE      UE6YAA      UA6YW
>9N7YJ       LA5YJ       J3/DJ7RJ    DJ7RJ       UO60SB      RW6HS
>A41KJ       N5FTR       J37LR       VE3EBN      UP57EX      RW6HS
>A45WD       YO9HP       J75PL       AA1M        UP58EX      RW6HS
>A51B        W0GJ        J79RJ       DJ7RJ       UQ1EDX      RW6HS
>AH3D        OH2BH       JW0HU       SP3WVL      V2/K4UP     K4UP
>AM9CE       EA9CE       KG4IZ       WA5PAE      V31KQ       pirate
>C6AGN       W1DIG       KG4MO       K4ZLE       V31YN       DJ4KW
>C6APX       KC4PX       KH6XT       N9NU        V51XG       DL8AL
>CN8NK       EA5XX       MM0XAU      DJ6AU       VP6EM       W2SN
>CO2CI       WD4OIN      N4BQW/KH9   KB6NAN      VP8CSA      DL1SDN
>CO8CY       EA5KB       OD5/OK1MU   OK1TN       XE2AC       EA5OL
>CO8EJ       EA5KB       OY3QN       OZ1ACB      XF1K        N6AWD
>CO8LY       EA7ADH      P40RH       W6FRH       XT2ATI      EA4YK
>CP6XE       IK6SNR      PJ5/K3RGD   WA2NHA      XY5D        JH6QIL
>CT3FN       HB9CRV      PR0F        W5SJ        XY6J        JH6QIL
>CU2AA       KZ5RO       RO4M        RN4LP       YA/F6EAY    F6ITD
>D88S        DS4CBN      RP4AMK      UA4ACP      YB0GJS      N9NU
>ER60SB      ER1DA       S21YV       KX7YT       YE0X        YB0AJR
>EY8MM       K1BV        SN8M        SP8MI       ZS03CWC     ZS1AU
>FM5GU       KU9C        ST2X        PA5NT       ZX3S        PY3CQ
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>4S7NE     Nelson Ranasinghe, 18 Katana Housing Scheme, Demanhandiya 11270,
>           Sri Lanka
>DL2GAC    Bernhard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str. 18, 88677 Markdorf, Germany
>DS4CNB    Lee Dae Ryung, P.O Box 30, Tongyung 650-600, South Korea
>EA4YK     Ricardo J. Hartasanchez, P.O.Box 41079, 28080 Madrid, Spain
>ER1DA     Valery Metaxa, P.O. Box 3000, Chisinau, MD-2071, Moldova
>G0IAS     Allan Hickman, The Conifers, High Street, Elkesley, Retford, DN22
>           8AJ Notts, UK
>G3UOF     M.R. Wadsworth, 67 Station Road, Bardney, Lincoln LN3 5UD, England
>IT9NVA    Vincenzo Altamura, P.O. Box 216, 96100 Siracusa - SR, Italy
>IZ1CCE    Carlo Sobrito, Via I Maggio 9, 10051 Avigliana - TO, Italy
>JS6PXB    Mat Hosokawa, 2-39-3-306 Aragusuku, Ginowan City, Okinawa 901-2201,
>           Japan
>KB6NAN    Dianna R. Killeen, P.O. Box 911, Pescadero, CA 94060-0911, USA
>LA5YJ     Hugo Bjorn Ark, Rute 504, Reinsvoll, N-2840 Norway
>N6AWD     Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
>N9NU      Tim Dickerson, 900 Vincent Drive, Sandwich, IL 60548, USA
>OM2SA     George Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia
>PA5NT     Gerben A. Menting, Waezenburglaan 104, 9351 HG Leek, The
>           Netherlands
>RN4LP     Vladislav Lakeev, P.O. Box 208, Dimitrovgrad 433512, Russia
>RU3SD     Vasily Bardin, P.O. Box 1, Ryazan 390000, Russia
>RZ3EC     Eugene Shelkanovtcev, P.O. Box 70, Orel 302028, Russia
>SM5DJZ    Jan Hallenberg, Vassunda Andersberg, SE-741 91 Knivsta, Sweden
>SP8MI     Wojciech W. Gello, P.O. Box 27, PL 38-700 Ustrzyki Dolne, Poland
>SV2ASP/A  Monk Apollo, Docheiariou Monastery, 63087 Dafni, Mount Athos,
>           Greece
>UR3UN     Sergei Petlevanny, P.O. Box 3, Fastov-5, 08505, Ukraine
>VK4FW     Bill Horner, P.O. Box 1343, Maroochydore, 4558, Australia
>W5SJ      Bill Priakos, 424 Garrison, Fort Smith, Arkansas 72901, USA
>YO9HP     Alex Panoiu, Pleasa, Prahova, RO-2038, Romania
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>Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
>425 DX News Editor
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