[CCF] Vl: [425ENG] 425 DX News #616

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen at kolumbus.fi
Sat Feb 22 05:27:04 EST 2003

>                    HAVE YOU MISSED A DX INFORMATION?
>   Do not forget that the opening page at www.425dxn.org features an
>   engine that allows you to search anything you want within the site
>   22 February 2003                                                  No 616
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ****  DX  INFORMATION  ****
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>! Information, reports and suggestions must be sent to:                     !
>!                                                                           !
>! Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ: DX information                                   !
>!       (e-mail i1jqj at 425dxn.org - BBS I1JQJ at IK1MJJ.IPIE.ITA.EU)            !
>! Maurizio Bertolino, IZ1CRR (I1-21171): 425 DX News WWW Pages              !
>!       (e-mail i121171 at 425dxn.org)                                         !
>8P      - Look for 8P9NX to be active  (mainly on RTTY and CW) from  Barbados
>           (NA-021) between 21 February and 6 March. QSL via W0SA. [TNX VA3RJ]
>8P      - W2SC will participate  in the ARRL  DX SSB Contest  (1-2 March)  as
>           8P5A (SOAB HP) from Barbados. QSL via NT1N. [TNX NG3K]
>8Q      - Ivan, 8Q7VR has  been active from  the Maldives  (AS-013) since  16
>           February and will be there until May. QSL via UR9IDX. [TNX RL3AW]
>9A      - Boro, 9A3KB and Emir, 9A6AA will be active (on 40, 20 and 15 metres
>           SSB) from  the  lighthouse  of  Plicina  Paklena  (LH-0708)  on  22
>           February and from the lighthouse of Barbaran (LH-1018) on the 23rd.
>           After that, they plan  to operate from  Sv. Nikola Island  (EU-110,
>           IOCA CI-118). QSL via home calls. [TNX VA3RJ]
>C9      - Depending on local  situation, Reinhard, DL6DQW  will be active  as
>           C98RF from Mocambique  Island (AF-088) on  21-24 February and  from
>           Quirimba Island (AF-061) between 25 February and 3 March.. QSL  via
>           DL6DQW. [TNX NG3K]
>CE      - The 3G5Q operators  [425DXN 615]  have been  granted permission  to
>           start their activity from Quiriquina Island (SA-070, ARLS  CHI-025)
>           a few hours earlier than  originally planned and  now they hope  to
>           become QRV around 21 UTC on  21 February. They will try to  operate
>           also on RTTY or  PSK31 and to  install a dipole  for 160 metres  in
>           order to be  active during the  CQ 160M SSB  Contest. Logs will  be
>           available at http://www.qsl.net/3g5q after  the operation. QSL  via
>           XQ5SM (P.O. Box 2841, Concepcion, Chile).
>CE      - Ferdy, CE4FXY will participate in the  ARRL DX SSB Contest as  CE4Y
>           on 10 metres HP. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
>CN      - Look for W7EJ  to participate in  the ARRL DX  SSB Contest as  CN2R
>           from Morocco (SOAB HP). QSL via W7EJ. [TNX NG3K]
>DU      - Ken, G3OCA  reports that  due to  some  delays with  the  licencing
>           authority the callsigns  for the  March operation  from OC-120  and
>           OC-092 [425DXN 613] have changed. The  new calls will be 4D2C  from
>           Cuyo Island  (OC-120, 14-17  March) and  4D2B from  Babuyan  Island
>           (OC-092,  20-26  March).  Two  DU  pilot  stations  will   announce
>           frequency/mode/times on cluster for the duration of the operation -
>           "this we  hope  will maximise  the  openings to  Europe  and  North
>           America". QSL via G3OCA  either direct or  through the RSGB  bureau
>           (cards for Russian stations will be handled by UA4SKW).
>EA8     - Operators fron the Gran Canaria DX Group will be active on SSB  and
>           CW as EA8OK/p from the lighthouse at Punta Sardina (ARLHS  CAI-055,
>           FEA D-2816) on  23 February. QSL  via bureau or  direct to  EA8AKN.
>           [TNX EA8AKN]
>EA8     - Look for EA8/OH6XX (SOSB  15 metres) and EA8/OH9MM (SOSB 20 metres)
>           to participate in the ARRL DX SSB Contest from the Canary  Islands.
>           QSL via home calls. [TNX NG3K]
>F       - Marc, F6HQP  expects to  operate as  F6HQP/P  from the  islands  of
>           Ratonneau (EU-095, DIFM ME-03) and/or Pomegues (EU-095, DIFM ME-16)
>           on 23-24 February. QSL via bureau. [TNX La Gazette du DX]
>FO_aus  - Antoine, FO5RK reports he is planning to be active again from  Rapa
>           Island (OC-051), Austral Islands on 1-20 March during his  holidays
>           (which means more time to spend on the radio).
>H4      - Bernhard, DL2GAC/H44MS has been back in  the Solomon Islands  since
>           21 February and expects to  remain there for  the next two  months.
>           During the next week he will  reduce his activity while  recovering
>           from malaria ("I do hope the worst is over, but I still feel weak",
>           he says). Our best wishes to him.
>HR      - Henry/HR2HM,    Eduardo/HR2EMC,    Cesar/HR2CPS,     Carlos/HR2CSB,
>           Byron/HR5LBR, Rene/HR5RJC and Manuel/HR5MJC will be active as  HQ8V
>           from Cayos  Vivorillos (Gracias  a Dios  Department group,  NA-???)
>           from around 22 UTC on 21 March  through around 12 UTC on the  24th.
>           They will operate  mainly on 40,  20, and  15 metres  SSB. QSL  via
>           HR2CPS (Cesar  Pio Santos  Andino, P.O.  Box 747,  21105 San  Pedro
>           Sula, Cortes, Honduras). [TNX HR2CPS]
>JA      - Look for JS6QVP (QSL via JI5USJ),  JS6QVQ (QSL via JI5RPT) and  and
>           JI5RPT/6 (QSL via home call) to be active (on 160-6 metres CW, SSB,
>           RTTY and PSK31)  from the Daito  Islands (AS-047)  [425DXN 611]  on
>           4-11 March. Cards  can be sent  either direct or  through the  JARL
>           bureau. More information is available at
>           http://www.aa.alpha-net.ne.jp/ji5rpt/as-047/ [TNX JI6KVR]
>KP2     - Tony, N2TK will be operating at WP2Z  (QSL via KU9C) for  the  ARRL
>           DX SSB Contest. Before and after  the contest he will be active  as
>           N2TK/NP2  (QSL via home call). [TNX N2TK]
>LU      - Mariano, LU4EJ will be active as LU4EJ/D from Martin Garcia  Island
>           (SA-055) on  20-22 March.  Suggested  frequencies are  3680,  7090,
>           14200, 21300,  28460 and  50110 kHz.  QSL via  LU4EJ either  direct
>           (Mariano Viva, Independencia 1193, Mar  del Plata 7600,  Argentina)
>           or through the bureau. [TNX LU4EJ]
>OZ      - Look for  Jakob,  OZ7AEI/P to  be  active from  the  lighthouse  of
>           Griseta odde (DEN-075, DLS-030) on 22  February starting around  15
>           UTC on +/- 14270 kHz. QSL via bureau or direct. [TNX OZ7AEI]
>PJ      - K1NA plans  to be active  as PJ5/K1NA or  PJ5NA from St.  Eustatius
>           (NA-145) during  the ARRL  DX SSB  Contest. It  will be  a  "casual
>           effort" in  the SOAB category. QSL via home call. [TNX NG3K]
>V2      - Doug, W3CF (V26DX) and  a group of  Team Antigua operators  (namely
>           Jay/WX0B, Jim/N2EA, Irwin/KD3TB  and Sharon/N5CK)   will activate  
>           V26DX as   a Multi Two  entry for 2003  ARRL DX   SSB Contest  from
>           Antigua. They plan  to be on the air by 26 February. QSL V26DX  via
>           KU9C. [TNX NG3K]
>W       - Several    members     of    the     Magnolia    DX     Association
>           (http://www.mdxa.org) will  be  active  as  K5C  from  Cat  Island
>           (NA-082, USI  MS002S) on  4-6 April.  They  will operate  on  10-80
>           metres CW and SSB from multiple stations. QSL via K2FF. The K5C QSL
>           cards for  the  September 2002  operation  [425DXN 592]  have  been
>           received from  the  printer  and  all  direct  requests  have  been
>           answered and put into the mail on 13 February. Future requests will
>           continue to  be answered  the same  way  received. "Cards  for  the
>           upcoming trip will be ordered in  advance", Randy, W5UE says,  "and
>           we hope to be able to  answer direct requests  within weeks of  the
>           end of the expedition".
>ZF      - John, K0DQ  will participate in  the ARRL DX  SSB Contest as  ZF2DQ
>           (SOAB HP) from ZF2NT's QTH in the Cayman Islands (NA-016). On 26-28
>           February, while preparing for the contest,  he plans to operate  on
>           12 and 17 metres. QSL via K0DQ. [TNX OPDX Bulletin]
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ****  GOOD TO KNOW ... ****
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>GACW KEY DAY  ---> The GACW  KD will take  place from 18  UTC on 22  February
>through 6  UTC  on the  23rd.  This  is  not a  contest,  but  an  event  for
>encouraging amateur radio  operators to log  as many QSOs  as possible  using
>their straight keys. More information at http://gacw.no-ip.org
>HOLYLAND CONTEST --->  The results of  the Holyland  DX Contest  2002 can  be
>found   on    the    Israel   Amateur    Radio    Club's    web    site    at
>http://www.iarc.org/contest. This  year the  Contest will  take place  on  19
>April, from 00.00 UTC through 24 UTC. [TNX 4Z4KX]
>IR4X ---> Due  to a bureaucratic  misunderstanding, the  Monte Capra  Contest
>Team - formerly  IQ4A and IR4A  [425DXN 615] -  has had to  change again  its
>callsign. The new call is IR4X and it will be used starting from the ARRL  DX
>SSB Contest on 1-2 March. The QSL route for either IR4A (for the 2003 ARRL DX
>CW Contest *only*) and IR4X is via IK4QJH. [TNX I4VEQ]
>QSL CO3CJ ---> Peppe, IZ8EBI (http://space.virgilio.it/iz8ebi@tin.it) is  the
>new QSL manager for Juan Carlos,  CO3CJ. Cards can be  sent either direct  or
>through the bureau. [TNX IZ8EBI]
>QSL MANAGER OFFERED ---> Being retired, Bob Smith, W0VU has "lots of time  to
>do cards" and is willing to  act as a QSL manager for  one or more  stations.
>Bob can be contacted at rsmith55 at iland.net
>QSL VIA I3BQC ---> Vittorino, I3BQC  reports that he  has neither direct  nor
>bureau backlog for any of his past operations.
>QSL VIA W1TE ---> The following are  now being handled by Charley, W1TE  (QSL
>either direct or through  the bureau): UU0JM  (all operations), UU7J/P  (IOTA
>Contest 2002 from EU-180), UU7J (all operations starting this year).  On-line
>logs are available at  http://www.w1te.com/search.html (additional UU0JM  and
>UU7J logs will be added as they are received). Charley is not the manager for
>V47NS (QSLs at this time continue  to go to W9NY), but  he handles the  cards
>and post the logs. [TNX W1TE]
>ST2X ---> There  is a possibility  that Gerben,  PA5NT/ST2X will  go back  to
>Sudan after  16 March.  Latest information  and  final announcement  will  be
>available at  http://www.dx.to/ For  the time  being, "The  ST2X Story"  with
>results of Gerben's recent  activity can be  found at the  URL above (it  can
>also be downloaded as .pdf file).
>WARD AWARD --->  The WARD (World  Amateur Radio Day)  Award commemorates  the
>World Amateur Radio Day celebrated by IARU  on 18 April each year. The  award
>is sponsored by  MK QTC (the  Polish Amateur Radio  Journal) with the  Polish
>Amateur Radio Union's support, and it is issued to licenced amateurs and SWLs
>for contacts made/heard  between 00.00 and  24 UTC on  18 April. For  further
>information please e-mail Sylwester Jarkiewicz, SP2FAP at qtc at post.pl
>YI1BGD ---> The  Slovak Embassy in  Baghdad has  been closed  down and  Mike,
>OM2DX, who was active from YI1BGD,  has left Baghdad.  Steve, OM3JW will  get
>the log for Mike's  last days of  operation after his  arrival at home.
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          ***  NEWS FROM THE WEB  ***
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>LOGS:      The AH3D  log search  is now  up and  running: send  an e-mail  to
>            ah3d-log at n4gn.com (type your call in the subject line, the body of
>            message should be blank) and you will receive a response back,  in
>            the form of an e-mail, stating your QSOs that are in the AH3D log.
>ROMANIA:   The Romanian  Amateur  Radio Federation  has  a new  web  site  at
>            http://www.hamradio.ro - the  YO callbook is  available there,  as
>            well as the final results for  the the International  Championship
>            of Romania 2002. [TNX N2YO/YO3FWC]
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          *******  QSL INFO  ********
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER     CALL        MANAGER
>3B8/DK7AO   DL3APO      EA8BH       OH2BH       SX1R        SV1XV
>3V8SQ       DL1BDF      ED2TPA      EA5CVN      SY8A        SV8CS
>3W3ZZ       JA1EUI      ED5MHE      EA5ZD       T31MY       OM2SA
>4J9NM       K2PF        EK60SB      EA7JX       T77CD       I0MWI
>4K9W        DL6KVA      EK6DZ       EA7JX       T88AQ       JH6WDG
>4L1MA       ON4RU       EM0U        UT7UW       T88DY       JA5SUD
>4L8A        OZ1HPS      ES85L       ES6PZ       T88EI       JA5EIY
>5B4/RA6LUX  UA6LCW      ES85V       ES6DO       T88RH       JA5ROH
>5B4/UA9MA   UA9MA       ES85X       ES7FU       T88TM       JA5AUC
>5H9IR       ZS6EZ       EU5F        DL8KAC      TF8GX       K1WY
>5N6EAM      IK2IQD      EY8MM       K1BV        TI9MOT      TI6MOT
>5T5CPS      JA1CPS      FM5BH       W3HNK       TM3QK       F5UJY
>5T5HC       JA0HC       FY5GS       F6FNU       TR8CA       F6CBC
>5T5KHT      JK1KHT      HF2VL       SP2PI       TR8SA       F5OGL
>5T5PBV      JA1PBV      HK6PSG      EA5OL       TT8FC       EA4AHK
>5T5RUZ      JA8RUZ      HP1/DJ7AA   DL6MYL      TZ8FT       F2YT
>5T5U        JA1UT       HS0ZDZ      GM4FDM      UA0BD       RW6HS
>5T5UPA      JA1UPA      IO4T        IK4XCL      UE6YYW      UA6YW
>5V7BR       F5RUQ       J42A        SV2AEL      UK8IZ       IK2QPR
>5X1DC       DL7AFS      K3ZB/KH2    JH1NBN      UN7MO       EA7FTR
>5X1GS       WB2YQH      KH4/NH6D    N6FF        V25LR       W1LR
>6Y0T        K3TEJ       LT1F        LU1FKR      V25WX       W4WX
>7Q7LA       G0IAS       LU1FAM      AC7DX       V26EW       N2ED
>8Q7CR       DF5JR       LU1NDC      EA7FTR      V31DJ       W1LLU
>8S5X        SM5HJZ      LU1ZA       LU2CN       V31DK       N0UGX
>9G5GA       DL3GA       LU5FF       EA7JX       V31FG       DL2SWW
>9G5ZZ       DL1CW       LX9UN       LX1NJ       V31JP       KA9WON
>9L1BTB      SP7BTB      MJ0ASP      F5SHQ       V47DD       K8DD
>9Q1A/2      F2YT        MM0XAU      DJ6AU       V47KP       K2SB
>9Y4/DL6RAI  DL6RAI      N3JZ/KH2    JE3NJZ      V47WW       AC8W
>9Y4/IV3IYH  IK2ILH      OH0R        OH2PM       V51KC       WD4AWO
>9Y4TBG      DL4MEH      OH0Z        OH5DX       VK3FY/DU8   EA7JX
>A51B        W0GJ        OI3SVM      OH3JF       VK9LBJ      VK2BJ
>A71MA       KZ5RO       OX3FV       OZ5FV       VP5/N3SB    N4ZH
>C6AGN       W1DIG       OY3QN       OZ1ACB      VP5/WX3B    N4ZH
>C6AKQ       N4BP        P29VMS      DL2GAC      VP5LP       N4ZH
>C6ALK       K7RE        P3F         5B4AGN      VP8DES      VP8LP
>C6AMM       K1CN        P40T        VE3HO       W3MCA/KH2   JA3MCA
>C6APX       KC4PX       P49MR       VE3MR       XF1K        N6AWD
>C6AQX       WA8SQX      P49V        AI6V        XT2SX       G3SXW
>CN2MP       EA9AM       PJ2/N8LGP   W8TTS       XT2WP       G4BWP
>CN2R        W7EJ        PJ2T        N9AG        YA1CQ       JA1CQT
>CO8EJ       EA5KB       PJ4/K2NG    WA2NHA      YB0IR       W4JS
>CO8TW       IZ8CCW      PJ4/NO2R    WA2NHA      YC3BDJ      IZ8CCW
>CS6V        DL5AXX      PJ4G        WA2NHA      YN4SU       TI4SU
>CX1JJ       EA5KB       PJ5/K3RGD   WA2NHA      YV5LIX      EA7FTR
>D2GG        CT1GG       PJ7/KF5LG   ND5S        YV5OHW      EA7FTR
>D2YY        CT1YWI      PY0ZFO      W9VA        Z24S        W3HNK
>D44AC       RW3TN       R1ANF/P     RK1PWA      ZC4VG       G0UVX
>D44TT       4L5A        RO4M        RN4LP       ZF1DZ       VE3DZ
>D4B         4L5A        RO4M/6      RN4LP       ZK3HC       DL9HCU
>DL2GG/YV5   DL3AMA      S07V        DK2WV       ZS03CWC     ZS1AU
>DP1POL      DL1ZBO      SU9BN       EA7FTR      ZS90SAP     ZS6ZYM
>E21CJN      W3PP        SU9NC       OM2SA       ZY0T        PY1YB
>                          ===========================
>                          *** 4 2 5  D X  N E W S ***
>                          *******  ADDRESSES  *******
>                          ===========================
>                           Edited by  I1JQJ & IK1ADH
>5B4AGC     George Beasley, P.O. Box 61344, 8133 Paphos, Cyprus
>9A9R       Vladimir Pavlica, P.O. Box 312, HR-51001 Rijeka, Croatia
>BA4DW      David Y. J. Zhou, P.O. Box 040-088, Shanghai, 200040, China
>CP6EB      Luis R. Skultety, P.O. Box 291, Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Bolivia
>DL1ZBO     Rainer Hilgardt, Hans-Sachs-Weg 38, D-64291 Darmstadt, Germany
>DL2GAC     Bernhard Stefan, Moeggenweiler Str. 18, 88677 Markdorf, Germany
>DL2SWW     Frank Dreyer, Gartenweg 9, D-19069 Alt Meteln, Germany
>EA7FTR     Francisco Lianez Suero, Asturias 23, 21110 Aljaraque, Huelva,
>            Spain
>EA7JX      Rodrigo Herrera, P.O. Box 47, 41310 Brenes, Sevilla, Spain
>F2YT       Paul Herbet, 9 Rue de l'Alouette, 62690 Estree-Cauchy, France
>F5PAC      Joel Sutterlin, 1 rue du Rossberg, 68310 Wittelsheim, France
>F5RUQ      Thierry Lesnier, 31 rue des Bleuets, 22190 Plerin, France
>F6KHS      Radio Club Cyrano, 97 rue neuve d'Argenson, 24100 Bergerac, France
>I0MWI      Stefano Cipriani, Via Taranto 60, 00055 Ladispoli - RM, Italy
>JA3KAB     Taka K. Shimazu, 10-36 Kizuri 3-chome Higashiosaka, Osaka
>            577-0827, Japan
>JH6QIL     Shin-Ichi Kusumoto, 1777-289, Nishi-Mochida, Aira-cho, Aira-Gun,
>            Kagoshima, 899-5431 Japan
>K4YL       Stephen M. Grose, P.O. Box 183, Flat Rock, North Carolina
>            28731-0183, USA
>KB2FB/DU7  David J. Collins, Pons Garcia Building, CPG Ave, Tagbilaran 6300
>            Bohol, Philippines
>KL7J       c/o Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA
>N6AWD      Fred K. Stenger, 6000 Hesketh Dr, Bakersfield, CA 93309, USA
>OH5DX      Ari Korhonen, Kreetalank. 9A1, FIN 29200 Harjavalta, Finland
>OM2SA      George Sipos, 93013 Trhova Hradska 550, Slovakia
>OZ7AEI     Jakob Pedersen, Hvamvej 47, DK-7500 Holstebro, Denmark
>RN4LP      Vladislav Lakeev, P.O.Box 208, Dimitrovgrad, 433512, Russia
>SV1XV      Costas Krallis, P.O.Box 3066, GR-10210 Athens, Greece
>SV2AEL     Savas Pavlidis, P.O. Box 22013, Thessaloniki 55310, Greece
>TG0AA      C.R.A.G., P.O. Box 115, Correo Central, Guatemala City 01001,
>            Guatemala
>UA0BA      Andrej N. Moiseev, P.O. Box 645, Norilsk, 663317, Russia
>UA1RJ      Yuri G. Sinitso, Box 10, 160000 Vologda, Russia
>UA6LCW     Serge Belikov, P.O.Box 504, Rostov-on-Don, 344002, Russia
>UN2O       Leo. V. Welikanov, P.O. Box 1, Atyrau 465002, Kazakhstan
>UT7UW      Yuri Zaskaleta, P.O. Box B-32, Kiev 01001, Ukraine
>VE3HO      Garth Hamilton, P.O. Box 1156, Fonthill, Ontario L0S 1E0, Canada
>VY1JA (*)  c/o Kim Larson, 22 N Hidden Acres Dr, Sioux City, IA 51108, USA
>W9AE       Wayne Estes, 18673 W. Meadow Lane, Mundelein, IL 60060, USA
>Z35M       Vladimir Kovaceski, P.O. Box 10, Struga 6330, Macedonia
>ZS6ZYM     Jan Swanepoel, P.O. Box 14393, Zuurfontein 1912, South Africa
>(*)  JAs via JA3JM
>             425 DX NEWS WWW PAGE ---> http://www.425dxn.org
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>Mauro Pregliasco, I1JQJ/KB2TJM
>425 DX News Editor
>E-mail: i1jqj at 425dxn.org 
>                      THANK YOU FOR REED "425 DX NEWS"
>Mauro Pregliasco (i1jqj at 425dxn.org) *  Maury Bertolino (i121171 at 425dxn.org)

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