[CCF] Fw: [CQ-Contest] Re: keep awake drugs
Timo" <timo.klimoff@kolumbus.fi
Mon, 6 Jan 2003 12:07:03 +0200
Modafiniliak� t�ss� nyt seuraavaan kisaan pit�isi ostaa? Vai ei?
Jokainen vet�k��t omat johtop��t�ksens�!
73, Timo OH1NOA
48 tuntia kahvin ja sisun voimalla
----- Alkuper�inen viesti -----
L�hett�j�: Salina Physician Anesthesia <spa@tri.net>
Vastaanottaja: <cq-contest@contesting.com>
L�hetetty: 5. tammikuuta 2003 18:21
Aihe: [CQ-Contest] Re: keep awake drugs
> With the recent flap about one of our planes in Afganistan shooting some
> friendly Canadians while the pilots were on some performance enhancing drug
> and some past discussion of such for contesting, here are a few references
> from the medical literature of yet another drug. Personally, a few extra
> contacts aren't worth the effort just as with my bad coronaries, Viagra
> definitely wouldn't be! Of course, as the last line would indicate that not
> all should try this stuff...but all the contesters I know are sane, normal
> and definitely not psychotic.
> N0UU
> 1) Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2002 Jan;159(3):238-47. Maintaining alertness
> and performance during sleep deprivation: modafinil versus caffeine.
> Wesensten NJ, Belenky G, Kautz MA, Thorne DR, Reichardt RM, Balkin TJ.
> Department of Neurobiology and Behaviour, Division of Neuropsychiatry,
> Walter Reed Army Institute of Research, 503 Robert Grant Avenue, Silver
> Spring, MD 20910-7500, USA. nancy.wesensten@na.amedd.army.mil
> RATIONALE: The performance and alertness effects of modafinil were
> evaluated to determine whether modafinil should replace caffeine for
> restoring performance and alertness during total sleep deprivation in
> otherwise healthy adults. OBJECTIVES: Study objectives were to determine
> (a) the relative efficacy of three doses of modafinil versus an active
> control dose of caffeine 600 mg; (b) whether modafinil effects are
> dose-dependent; and (c) the extent to which both agents maintain
> performance and alertness during the circadian trough. METHODS: Fifty
> healthy young adults remained awake for 54.5 h (from 6:30 a.m. day 1 to
> 1:00 p.m. on day 3) and performance and alertness tests were administered
> bi-hourly from 8:00 a.m. day 1 until 10:00 p.m. day 2. At 11:55 p.m. on day
> 2 (after 41.5 h awake), subjects received double blind administration of
> one of five drug doses: placebo; modafinil 100, 200, or 400 mg; or caffeine
> 600 mg ( n=10 per group), followed by hourly testing from midnight through
> 12:00 p.m. on day 3. RESULTS: Performance and alertness were significantly
> improved by modafinil 200 and 400 mg relative to placebo, and effects were
> comparable to those obtained with caffeine 600 mg. Although a trend toward
> better performance at higher modafinil doses suggested a dose-dependent
> effect, differences between modafinil doses were not significant.
> Performance enhancing effects were especially salient during the circadian
> nadir (6:00 a.m. through 10:00 a.m.). Few instances of adverse subjective
> side effects (nausea, heart pounding) were reported. CONCLUSIONS: Like
> caffeine, modafinil maintained performance and alertness during the early
> morning hours, when the combined effects of sleep loss and the circadian
> trough of performance and alertness trough were manifest. Thus, equivalent
> performance- and alertness-enhancing effects were obtained with drugs
> possessing different mechanisms of action. However, modafinil does not
> appear to offer advantages over caffeine (which is more readily available
> and less expensive) for improving performance and alertness during sleep
> loss in otherwise normal, healthy adults.
> 3) Psychopharmacology (Berl) 2002 Nov 1; [epub ahead of print] Cognitive
> enhancing effects of modafinil in healthy volunteers. Turner DC, Robbins
> TW, Clark L, Aron AR, Dowson J, Sahakian BJ. Department of Psychiatry,
> University of Cambridge, School of Clinical Medicine, Addenbrooke's
> Hospital, Hills Road, Cambridge CB2 2QQ, UK.
> RATIONALE. Modafinil, a novel wake-promoting agent, has been shown to have
> a similar clinical profile to that of conventional stimulants such as
> methylphenidate. We were therefore interested in assessing whether
> modafinil, with its unique pharmacological mode of action, might offer
> similar potential as a cognitive enhancer, without the side effects
> commonly experienced with amphetamine-like drugs. OBJECTIVES. The main aim
> of this study was to evaluate the cognitive enhancing potential of this
> novel agent using a comprehensive battery of neuropsychological tests.
> METHODS. Sixty healthy young adult male volunteers received either a single
> oral dose of placebo, or 100 mg or 200 mg modafinil prior to performing a
> variety of tasks designed to test memory and attention. A randomised
> double-blind, between-subjects design was used. RESULTS. Modafinil
> significantly enhanced performance on tests of digit span, visual pattern
> recognition memory, spatial planning and stop-signal reaction time. These
> performance improvements were complemented by a slowing in latency on three
> tests: delayed matching to sample, a decision-making task and the spatial
> planning task. Subjects reported feeling more alert, attentive and
> energetic on drug. The effects were not clearly dose dependent, except for
> those seen with the stop-signal paradigm. In contrast to previous findings
> with methylphenidate, there were no significant effects of drug on spatial
> memory span, spatial working memory, rapid visual information processing or
> attentional set-shifting. Additionally, no effects on paired associates
> learning were identified. CONCLUSIONS. These data indicate that modafinil
> selectively improves neuropsychological task performance. This improvement
> may be attributable to an enhanced ability to inhibit pre-potent responses.
> This effect appears to reduce impulsive responding, suggesting that
> modafinil may be of benefit in the treatment of attention deficit
> hyperactivity disorder.
> 6) Narendran R, Young CM, Valenti AM, Nickolova MK, Pristach CA. Is
> psychosis exacerbated by modafinil? Arch Gen Psychiatry. 2002
> Mar;59(3):292-3. Department of Psychiatry, School of Medicine and
> Biomedical Sciences, State University of New York at Buffalo, 462 Gilder
> St, Buffalo, NY 14215 schizomania@yahoo.com
> <http://archpsyc.ama-assn.org/issues/v59n3/ffull/ylt0302-5.html> Letter to
> the Editor
> Modafinil (Provigil; Cephalon Inc, West Chester, Pa) is indicated to
> improve wakefulness in patients with excessive daytime sleepiness
> associated with narcolepsy. The stimulant drug methylphenidate, which
> promotes wakefulness, has been reported to be useful in treating severe and
> persistent sedation associated with clozapine treatment.1 However,
> controversy has surrounded the routine use of such stimulant drugs to treat
> clozapine-induced sedation because of the potential risk of exacerbating
> psychosis (due to the drugs' dopaminergic activity) and worsening movement
> disorders.2 We herewith report on the possible exacerbation of psychosis by
> modafinil in a clozapine-treated patient with schizophrenia.
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