[CCF] CQ 160m

Ari Korhonen ari.korhonen at kolumbus.fi
Fri Mar 7 17:45:20 EST 2003

Infoa CQ 160m workkineille!

Ari, OH5DX

>Both my CQ 160 Contest PC and the machine at kkn.net have had some problems
>this year.  Please be sure to check the claimed scores (I plan on putting
>them all on the CQ Magazine web page) to make sure your log was received and
>is included.   I just lost the hard drive that housed the CQ 160 Contests
>including the archives and the logs that are ready to be checked.  I had
>over 900 CW logs and just a few SSB logs.  Its going to be a tedious task to
>compare the stored e-mails with the data base file to make sure all the logs
>are put back in the ready to check folder.  There is some chance for error
>so this why I am asking that you check when the claimed scores are put up on
>the web (probably June 1).
>The rules clearly state that the cabrillo log is the required log for the CQ
>160 Contests.  I will make a few exceptions by allowing the older log and
>sum files that I must convert.  However, I am getting logs that are
>unacceptable (bin files, encoded files).  I am requesting anyone who gets a
>message to send along the correct log form as soon as possible.
>Please note that I am still getting 2003 CQ 160 CW logs (as of 6 March
>2003).  The deadline was Feb 28th, 2003.  The only CW  logs that should be
>received are those that I have asked for another log or those sent with a
>SSB Log.  All standalone CW logs received after today will be subject to
>being listed as check logs!
>CW Hand logs (by mail) are still accepted but mist be postmarked by Feb 28,
>2003 to be accepted as competitive.  Logs sent as Faxes to CQ or word
>documents must comply with the CW and SSB log deadlines.
>Thanks for your patience 73 Dave K4JRB
>CQ 160 Contests Director

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