[CCF] WPX CW OH8VJ (Low 80)

pentti.jutila at nokia.com pentti.jutila at nokia.com
Mon May 26 12:36:43 EDT 2003

tarkoitus oli ajaa 80 "tosissaan" mutta kun "uskollinen" palvelijani, AL 1200 (kuka tietää mistä saa 3CX1200A7 edullisesti?) , sanoi sopimuksen irti niin homma olikin sitten "low power -operaatio".
2003         MODE:__CW__
CQ World-Wide WPX Contest
CLASS:  Single Operator    
 Single Transmitter
 Low Power 
 Single Band: 80
Band  QSOs  QSO points Prefixes Score: 
80m:   178     384               137
Totals: 178     384              137      52608 
Station Description: FT-1000MP
Antenna(s): Dipole / GP / Beverages
Operators: OH8VJ
Remarks (Biggest thrill in contest, funniest story, comments, etc.): 
Club Competition:CCF 
This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter within the limitations of my license and hae observed fully 
the rules and regulations of the contest.
Signature____________________________________________ Call                         .
Pentti Jutila, OH8VJ 
Honkolantie 181 
FIN-44160 Huutomaki 

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