[CCF] Delivering coverage maps (fwd), KELIKARTAT

Ilkka Korpela Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Wed Oct 22 14:16:54 EDT 2003


Lupa heltisi kelikarttojen julkaisemiseen:


Kaikki 5 bandia CQWW03.ZIP    (12.8 Mt)
Bandikohtaiset  ##CQWW03.ZIP  (2.3- 2.9 Megaa)

Dan, AC6LA kertoo alla tehneensä parannuksia Excel-
sovellukseen, ja ao. viestistä löytyy webbiosoite
uusimpaan versioon.

Otan tiedostot pois palvelimelta kisan jälkeen.

Kiitos Jarille, OH6BG talkoisiin osallistumisesta.

73 de OH1WZ

> ----- Forwarded message from Dan Maguire -----
> Hello Jari,
> I have no objections at all to your proposal about downloading copies of
> MultiNEC (minus the key) from a web site.  I hope this will be useful to
> Finnish hams.  Thank you very much for asking, that was very thoughtful 
> of you and I appreciate it!
> One thought ... I have recently made several small changes to the 
> program.  Nothing to do with VOACAP but I did fix a bug concerning the 
> interface to EZNEC when running under a non-English version of Excel. 
> (This is not related to the regional settings for the decimal separator,
> it has to do with the language as shown on some standard Microsoft 
> dialogs.)  This bug fix may be useful to those with Finnish (or other) 
> language versions of Excel.  I would appreciate it if you could get the 
> latest version of MultiNEC (now at v. 2.0.12) from 
> www.qsl.net/ac6la/MultiNEC.zip and use that as the starting point for 
> the copies you want to make available.
> [...]
> ----- End of forwarded message from Dan Maguire -----

Ilkka Korpela

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