[CCF] Nuoret hoi ! Kiinnostaisiko ilmainen matka VP5 maahan kisaamaan?

jukka.klemola at nokia.com jukka.klemola at nokia.com
Tue Aug 31 08:41:07 EDT 2004

FREE Trip To VP5 ~ Operate CQWW SSB 2004 from VP5X!
Time is running short! Get your essays written and emailed before 2359Z August 31, 2004 for your chance to go on a free expedition to VP5.This is the second year for the Young Ham Contest Program sponsorship. Send your essay today and you may be operating CQWW SSB from VP5X...all expenses paid! Click the contests button for details.
All of the operator positions for CQWW SSB 2004 have been filled, except the Young Ham whom will be selected on September 1, 2004

OH3RB voi auttaa.
Aiempi kilpailukokemus ei ole välttämätön, tarkoitus on saada
joku asiasta kiinnostunut nuori mukaan reissuun.

Jukka OH6LI

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