[CCF] SAC ajoitus

jari.jokiniemi at nokia.com jari.jokiniemi at nokia.com
Thu Jan 8 08:14:34 EST 2004

CQ Contest -postilistalla on tuttuun tyyliin otettu esiin äärimmäisen tärkeä kysymys, monen muun kuten pakettiradion oletetun turmiollisuuden yms. ohella, eli miksi jenkkifudis ja radioamatöörikilpailut osuvat törkeän virheellisesti päällekkäin. Onkohan SAC nyt varmasti ajoitettu niin, ettei se haittaa jalkapallon MM-välieriä tai esteratsastuksen Zimbabwen Cuppia?

-Jari, OH3BU

Lainaus osoitteesta
"That is correct. In previous years, the weekend before the Super Bowl has usually been the third weekend of January, and the last full weekend of January has been the fourth full weekend. This year, the weekend before the Super Bowl is the fourth full weekend, so there is a conflict. I'm sure the algorithm for the January VHF contest was designed to maximize participation - the weekend of the Super Bowl would be very bad for a W/VE contest, and the weekend before the Super Bowl (at least in recent years) is a "bye" week in the NFL schedule, so there are no football playoff games even that weekend. The CQ 160 CW contest is a world-wide contest, so if it is scheduled on the Super Bowl weekend (which it had been before this year) it's not such a big deal - and anyway, the Super Bowl is usually played Sunday W/VE evening, after the contest is over."

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