markku.a.oksanen at nokia.com
markku.a.oksanen at nokia.com
Sat Jan 31 10:58:52 EST 2004
Ja myös tänne listalle tiedoksi.
Hauska kisa ja varmasti tästä lähin vuoden kisaluettelossa. Täällä vähän heikompikin CW virtuoosi pärjää, touhu ei ole aivan yhtä vaativaa kuin vaikka 10 m CW jenkkipile kello 17 suomen aikaa. Kuunteluantenneita varmaan pitää rakennella seuraavaksi, lähetyspuoli on kaikesta päätelleen riittävässä kunnossa. 160m SSB taidan kyllä jättää suosiolla väliin, bandille ei taida mahtua kuin yksi UA6 ja 2 LY jos noista CW osan signaalivoimakkuuksista voi mitään päätellä. Saksa pitää saada lähemmäksi suomea.... ai niin ja Boston.
Markku OH2RA
CQ 160-Meter Contest, CW
Call: OH2RA
Operator(s): OH2RA
Station: OH2RA
Class: Single Op HP
QTH: Finland
Operating Time (hrs): 9
Total: QSOs = 415 State/Prov = 0 Countries = 47 Total Score = 102,648
Club: Contest Club Finland
This was my first effort in CQ160. Did not quite know what to expect and
certainly did not know what the best strategy would be. And I had limited time
& energy. Operated from Saturday afternoon (local) on and tried to S&P for a
good part but it turned out that the band does not "live" much here in Europe,
the multi ops park someplace and very soon they are all worked. So I ended up
calling CQ more than I thought at first. In fact, all good DX I got that way, I
could really not find anybody beyond A6, EA8, and A4 by S&P. In early evening
the band got so lively that I had to put the second CW (455 kHz) filter in the
TS850 to keep my sanity. Kept it. Operated until past local midnight without
hearing anything from W6 at our sunset. I was very pleased to have S9, 9V1, and
PY0 come back to my CQ.
Sunday I got out for our local sunrise and I did hear W8JI running a big pile of
EU, did not get him though, did not try too seriously either. Same for KT3Y (?)
and an other US that I only heard MD for. I was looking for KC1XX or the other
NE US beacons but no luck. No US, no Caribean this time. Perhaps Saturday
morning would have been a good time to be there.
All in all I did get a nice run going every time I parked someplace but it dried
out in half an hour or so.
No techical difficulties, no big complaints. Next year with more time and this
could be some serious fun. Even with these conditions some of the EU signal
were HUGE (LY7A and so on). I can't wait for the bottom of the cycle.
Equipment: TS 850 + PA. Antenna: Phased guy wires (3 vertical "equivalent") of
a 145 foot tower, 3 directions available: SSW, NW and about E.
Markku, OH2RA
Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/
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