[CCF] ARRL SSB 2004 8R1K summary

EA4BQ ES0EA OA4WW OH0XX ea4bq at attglobal.net
Tue Mar 30 23:24:22 EST 2004


    Contest Dates : 06-Mar-04, 07-Mar-04

    Callsign Used : 8R1K
        Operators : Olli EA4BQ/OH0XX

         Category : SOAB HP
              QTH : Guiana

 Default Exchange : 59 K

             Name : Olli Rissanen
          Address : Calle Ciguela, 331
   City/State/Zip : 28729 Venturada, Madrid
          Country : Spain

   BAND   Raw QSOs   Valid QSOs   Points   Mults

  160SSB     114         114        342      36
   80SSB     561         547       1641      56
   40SSB     656         633       1897      55
   20SSB     991         956       2868      60
   15SSB    1513        1414       4240      60
   10SSB    1284        1200       3598      57

 Totals     5119        4864      14586     324

    Final Score = 4.725.864 points.

 I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
 for amateur radio in my country.  My report is correct and true to the best
 of my knowledge.  I agree to be bound by the decisions of the Awards

 Date: March 30, 2004   Signed: Olli Rissanen Call: EA4BQ/OH0XX

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