[CCF] Missing logs in SAC 2004 CW

Jan-Eric Rehn (SM3CER - 7S3A - SA3R) jan-eric.rehn at telia.com
Sat Nov 13 08:47:56 EST 2004


I have run the incoming logs for SAC 2004 CW in the log checking program and 
I can see there are lots of missing logs from Finland.

I know you can already have sent your log once, but your log can accidently 
have been erased from my mail program during a Microsoft Update to XP SP2. I 
lost several logs and your log could have been one of them. I'm very sorry!

If I have your log you should have got a "thank you" and confirmation mail. 
If you didn't get that, I don't have your log.

I've made a list of missing logs. You are on that list if you've worked more 
than 10 QSO:s on CW. The numbers after the call is my rough guess how many 
QSO:s you've worked.


Please send the log ASAP to: sac at ssa.se

The deadline for SAC logs is extended to 30 November 2004 due to my computer 

A list of received logs is published on SM3CER Contest Service: 

Claimed Scores will be published after log submission deadline.

      OH1CX (561)
      OH1KH/M (10)
      OH1LWZ/M (66)
      OH1TR (72)
      OH1VR (148)
      OH1ZE (75)
      OH2BH (1820)
      OH2BPA (23)
      OH2EI (36)
      OH2KI (59)
      OH2KU (342)
      OH2MM (403)
      OH3JF (14)
      OH3RF (207)
      OH3RR (940)
      OH3XR (290)
      OH4ML (21)
      OH4R (1362)
      OH4YR (143)
      OH5LKA (125)
      OH5MFI (15)
      OH6CT (353)
      OH6MM (237)
      OH6RE (901)
      OH6SC (30)
      OH6VP (10)
      OH6XY (235)
      OH7FF (19)
      OH7HM (69)
      OH8VQ (10)
      OH9XX (75)

73 de Jan, SM3CER
2004 Scandinavian Activity Contest Committee

Jan-Eric Rehn - SM3CER - Contest call: 7S3A - SA3R
SSA Contest Manager - SWEDEN
E-mail: sm3cer at contesting.com - sm3cer at ssa.se
SM3CER Contest Service: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/
SK3BG Web Site: http://www.sk3bg.se/
Also QRV in MS or MM from: SI9AM - SK3IK - SL3ZV
K6U at WRTC-96 / Referee at WRTC-2000 and WRTC-2002

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