[CCF] CQWW 2004 CW - OH2U (OH2IW) SOSB/40 HP

Pasi Luoma-aho Pasi.Luoma-aho at sysopen.fi
Tue Nov 30 05:29:48 EST 2004

CQWW 2004 CW - OH2U - SOSB 40 HP

Valid QSOs   Countries   Zones
   2343         141        38

Score: 779366 points

Big congrats to Toni/OH2UA @OH0B for the superb job done!

Personally happy to add +20% to the old OH record (1993).
Have to start making more QSOs, though.

73 de Pasi OH2IW/OH6UM

Contest IS!  Been for 30+ years.

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