[CCF] SPDX RTTY Contest 2005 OH8VJ

pentti.jutila@nokia.com pentti.jutila at nokia.com
Thu Apr 28 04:37:34 EDT 2005

2005<?xml:namespace prefix = o ns = "urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office" />

-+- SPDX RTTY Contest -+-

Sponsored by the Polish Radiovideography Club 


CALL: OH8VJ                                                       Country


___ A. Single OP., All Band                  ___ B. Multi OP., All Band                             ___ D. SP stations


                   QSOs                  Points              DX:                  Provinces

80m:           35                  185                  17                  6

40m:           25                  155                  19                  0

20m:           49                  355                  23                  0

15m:           7                  65                  7                  0

10m:           0                  0                  0                  0

Total:          116                  760                  66                  6


Continents:                    6 (AS EU OC SA NA AF )

Total multipliers:                  72

Score:                           328320

Station Description: 





This is to certify that in this contest I have operated my transmitter within the limitations of my license and have observed fully the rules and regulations of the contest.


Signature____________________________________________ Call                        .

Pentti Jutila, OH8VJ     

Honkolantie 181           

FIN-44160 Huutomaki   


Senior Specialist, RF 
M Imaging BU
Mattilanniemi 6 
(P.O. Box 12, FIN-40101 Jyvaskyla) 
FIN-44100 Jyvaskyla 

Tel.      +358 (0) 7180 78068 
Mobile +358 40 574 5960 
Fax     +350 7180 78001 


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