Jouko Häyrynen jouko.hayrynen at kolumbus.fi
Mon Nov 20 15:11:03 EST 2006



Hello all,

Some time ago we had announced that ARSI had obtained all permissions for
taking a group to Kavaratti Island in Lakshadweep.

Well, time has passed quickly and we are very close to the dates of the
operation. The team will be in Kavaratti for a whole month from the 1st to
the 31st December.

The team consists of 23 members from all over India and will operate in
batches- some for about 10 days and some much longer. The first batch leaves
by ship on the 29th November from Kochi arriving on the 30th and will have
to work very hard to set up all the stations in one day and be ready to
start operations on the 1st December morning.

The plan is to set up a minimum of three stations, perhaps six or more
depending on locations, and operate on all bands and modes- SSB, CW and
various digital modes. Equipment has been pooled by the members from their
own resources and we should have some very effective stations.

There is considerable excitement about this activity as Lakshadweep has not
been activated for many years and so it had climbed to the second most
wanted entity in the ham world. As such the whole amateur radio world is
waiting to work the special call sign VU2LD that has been allotted to us.

Two of our group actually went across to locate station locations, book
accommodation and find out what facilities there was there and what we would
have to take with us. We have identified what is required and made
arrangements to ship out most of the stuff - actually the vessel MV Abbas
sailed from Bandhar, near Mangalore yesterday and should be arriving in
Kavaratti in a few hours. Members of our team from Mangalore looked after
the packing and despatch.

More details of the operation can be found on our webpage
 <http://arsi.info/vu7/> http://arsi.info/vu7/

Look out for the activity and try to make contact with the ARSI team in
December- a special QSL card will be sent to every contact.


Gopal VU2GMN 


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