[CCF] SAC-proposals for 2007 and beyond

Luoma-aho Pasi Pasi.Luoma-aho at sysopendigia.com
Tue Oct 3 02:09:53 EDT 2006


I vote for :

- 1 point for Sc/Sc qsos (qsos to own country counting too)
- no Sc country multipliers
- separate weekends for CW and SSB
- 24h format - BUT if the old 27h format would become an option, I might
- SAC Contest Committee
- more marketing of SAC
- Contest IS

73 de Pasi OH6UM/OH2IW, 33+ years of SAC CW and SSB

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ccf-bounces at contesting.com 
>[mailto:ccf-bounces at contesting.com] On Behalf Of Pertti Simovaara
>Sent: Tuesday, October 03, 2006 2:52 AM
>To: CCF at contesting.com
>Subject: [CCF] SAC-proposals for 2007 and beyond
>Lots of good and intersting proposals among all the stuff.
>A few comments from my 47 years of SAC experience, missed 1959.
>Separate CW and phone during two different weekends is 
>sounding good to me.
>Yes, during the Phone part the 40m band was growded with RTTY stations
>especially this year(pse notice that iRTTY is not crowding the phone
>segments of  the organizing country at all).
>It might be wise to move SAC phone, but to surrender to CQWW 
>who is using their overhelming power and who to my knowledge didn't
>negotiate, makes me feel something like cowardliness. How 
>about letting the
>market forces to decide? How about an extra trophy for both 
>JAs and Ws for
>40m single-band on Phone. Aren't we soon getting more spectrum on 40 ?
>24h period as a standard is OK,  but original 27h ofcourse was offering
>three greylines.12 hour periods would put Scandinavian countries in an
>uneven position due to wide East-West spread.
>Mixed results only as total of CW and Phone results in case 
>that it would
>tempt more participants. I do not know how to prove it.
>Idea of Scandinavians working Scandinavians is also 
>intersting. In such a
>case I suggest counting also 2 pts for Sc/Sc QSO and give 
>points also for
>own country as well, otherwise the advantage is too big  for those
>Scandinavian countries who have only a few participants. An 
>other aspect is
>to look and understand Sc/Sc QSOs from the point of view of a  
>?) DX who tries to catch a Scandinavian who just works strong other
>Scandinavians. DX-multipliers are however the thrill of any 
>contest, they
>should not loose totally their interest in SAC.
>Allowing spotting, not to talk about selfspotting, would drop 
>out many who
>have no internet capabilities in their contesting QTH eg. in 
>my case OH2PM
>and OH0PM/OH0R QTHs. Here in Kiikala I have it, but not in the 
>shack. Also
>spots as such emphasize more skils like clever fingers than operators
>ability to sniff the propagation and radio/operator human interface. If
>spotting brings more participants, why not. The next step is then to go
>directly over internet and carry radios to museum. Some 
>lowband DXers are
>already pretty close toit, at least I am tempted  conclude 
>that from spots
>by some  lowband DXers.
>I see three issues: Sc/Sc QSOs, Phone weekend slot, Marketing SAC.
>73 de Pertti, OH1PS
>PS, In 2006 SAC I have tested a new set-up, in stead of SO2R, 
>SO3R.  SO3R=
>Single-op, three Rig = one Radio, Coffee maker and Microwave 
>owen. Works
>well, keeps operator fresh and busy and the best, it can be 
>supported by an
>old laptop which has only one serial port( tap water is 
>desirable but not
>CCF mailing list
>CCF at contesting.com

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