[CCF] PileUP! interviews Nordic Contest Managers

Ilkka Korpela Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Wed Oct 18 23:49:12 EDT 2006


LA: {group}
    LA4YW Liv Johansen (testmanager) a-t broadpark.no
    LA2IJ Ove Grønnerud      la2ij  a-t  qsl.net
    LA3WAA Tor Pettersen     la3waa a-t  online.not
    LA5IIA Johnny Johansen   YA8G.
    LA7AK Olav Sande          
    LA7MFA Lech Tomczak      la7mfa a-t  c2i.net

  Referring to my earlier msg on Oct 5, 2006 I'd now like to inter-
view you, the Nordic HF Contest Managers, about the future of SAC.
Your input will be published in PileUP! 10:3 which I plan to have 
ready on the first week of November. You will be able to comment
the article before it is published in order to verify that you have
been correctly quoted.

I expect one answer per country by Oct 31. I have send a copy of this 
messqage to the CCF / TOEC mail lists so contesters know where we
are, and it's not something "behind the scenes". PileUP! will be puclished
in the web so it again will provide open access to all those interested.

  The motivation for our interview is in the lively discussion that 
again both preceded and followed the contest in September / October.
I have been able to follow and participate in it on the CCF and TOEC
e-mail lists, the archives of which are open:

> http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/ccf/
> http://lists.contesting.com/pipermail/toec/

  In the following I shall pose you a list of questions (partially 
indirect) that you may answer item by item, or, you can give your answer 
in the form of a "story" or "collection of thoughts", as is most convenient 
for you. The readers may be interested in your "contesting career", so you 
could provide also some details such as callsigns, time as a ham, your e-
mail address, and homepage. If you cannot answer my question, please ask me 
for clarification. You are also encouraged to cover issues (of SAC) that I 
have omitted.

1) What is, in your view, the role and meaning of SAC in your country, 
among the organizing countries and for the DX? Past, current, future SAC. 
How does your league members see SAC, as every 4th year they pay for it? 

2) Organization of SAC (rotation between LA, OH, OZ and SM between years), 
do you see it as a successful format, or could we do better by some other 
means? If so, How? Why?

  2a) Are you content with the publishing of the results and delivery 
      of diplomas & trophies

  2b) There’s a proposal of “SAC Contest Committee” that would help in 
      organizing the event. Do you see it needed/feasible, and how should 
      it be started and organized?

3) Rules of SAC. Do you see ways of improvement there? Dates, 24 h, 
categories, allowing clusters/self-spotting, allowing two radios, etc.

  3a) Is the fact that SAC SSB is organized at the same time with CQ WW
  RTTY something that we should react to by changing our dates?

4) Your proposal for the very near future (2006-2007). Your willingness to 
participate as a “change-agent” in the possible actions. 

5) What actions should be prioritized i.e. done first, if any?

Ilkka, OH1WZ
Editor-in-chief, PileUP!
PileUP! Is the magazine of Contest Club Finland (135 current members), a 
member of SRAL. OH2UA, the OH HF Contest Manager is our President.

Ilkka Korpela

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