[CCF] Special issue of PileUP! contest magazine from Finland

Timo Klimoff timo.klimoff at dnainternet.net
Tue Sep 5 11:09:24 EDT 2006

Dear Ham!

In the eve of the Scandinavian Activity Contest, we, at Contest Club 
Finland have made available a special issue of our club's magazine, 

You are welcome to download the PDF-document at


- Editorial 
   Ilkka Korpela, OH1WZ

- CCF-humour: Understanding engineers        

- Why SAC is so special to me
   Charles Weir Jr., W6UM

- SAC - a long term passion
   Pertti Simovaara, OH2PM        

- SAC contest - a far north racing event with a purpose?
   Martti Laine, OH2BH

- Greetings from VK8
   Alan Viegas, VK8AV

- A Swedish Perspective of SAC
   Ingemar Fogelberg, SM5AJV


- SAC 2006 INFO

- Photos from OH0, OH1, OH2, OH6, SM3 SM4 & PY5.

73 from the "Editorial board" Ilkka OH1WZ & Pertti OH2PM 

Ilkka Korpela

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