[CCF] OA4WW CQ WW CW 2007 summary

EA4BQ/OA4 Lima ea4bq at attglobal.net
Tue Nov 27 10:13:28 EST 2007

Contest         : CQ World Wide DX Contest
Callsign        : OA4WW
Mode            : CW
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : ---
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : High Power (HP)
Zone/State/...  : 10
Locator         : FH17MW
Operating time  : 40h36
160   35  11  17   2      94  2.69
80   161  19  45   0     455  2.83
40  1218  33  99   9    3577  2.94
20  1087  33  98   6    3166  2.91
15  1383  28  95   0    4042  2.92
10   181  17  35   1     466  2.57
TOT 4065 141 389  18   11800  2.90
TOTAL SCORE : 6 254 000

Operator        :  Olli, HP1WW, Village kart (DIY) race driver

Soapbox         :
TNX TO RADIO CLUB PERUANO for hosting me with very special thanks to Manuel,
OA4AHW and
Pablo OA4DJW getting the "kart" ready.

Like in CQ WW CW another real "Village kart race" operation.
Arrived at site only one hour before the race.
The main reason for the late arrival to the site was that the Customs at the
airport confiscated my FT1000MP
and getting it out of there took a whole day of paperwork.
Driving time was only 40 hours because lack of sleep before the contest.

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