Toni Lindén oh2ua at oh2u.com
Sat Sep 29 04:40:47 EDT 2007

                    Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB

Call: OF8X
Operator(s): OH2UA
Station: OH8X

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Arkala
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  216    39
   40:  385    58
   20:  949    77
   15:  176    37
   10:   74    20
Total: 1802   231  Total Score = 941,787

Club: Contest Club Finland


I was a great competition between SOAB HP this year! Many stations
were activated
by great operators. I knew it was going to be fun! I was especially exited to
compete with OH2BH´s station, where I often operate. Now the station was
operated by Mika, OH2JA, and it was my time to try contesting inside aurora

I was hoping for a nice 20mtrs NA opening for Saturday evening, but propagation
was not as good as hoped for. Unfortunately 20mtrs closed already at 21UTC and
after that it was loooong night on low bands.

When 20 mtrs closed so early, I knew that I had to make all I can to keep those
Southern Scandinavian stations behind me because normally they are having
somewhat better low band conditions. On Sunday I could not get EU pileup
rolling on 15 and 10, so I was forced to jump between bands all the time and
operate on 20mtrs to keep my rate up. At the same time I heard Southern
Scandinavian stations having nice pileups on higher bands, so all I could do,
was to go around with multipliers and hope that my moderate rate was enough to
keep me in game.

This was my first operation from huge OH8X station. I want to thank Juha, OH8NC
and Veijo, OH6NK for an opportunity to operate from Arkala super station. Veijo
was doing superb job while hosting me and explaining the setup at the station.

Also thanks to non-Scandinavian stations for QSO´s and QSY´s. Without your
participation there would not be SAC contest!

73 & see ya in CQWW @ CU2A,
de Toni, OH2UA

More about the station on www.radioarkala.com

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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