[CCF] REMINDER! --> The 14th CCF/OHDXF Contest/DX Meeting 16.-18.1.2009 - Book your cruise/cabin NOW !

Luoma-aho Pasi Pasi.Luoma-aho at digia.com
Tue Dec 30 10:17:00 EST 2008

Hello fellow Contesters & DXers,

Only 2+ weeks to the "coolest" Contest & DX meeting in 2009!

Please book yourself to the CCF/OHDXF cruise NOW --> ** by Friday 2.1.2009 ** !  
We've got a few extra cabins available until Friday.

See reservation details here --> http://www.ohdxf.fi/ohdxf/content.php?content.17

On our agenda :

* New DXCC Countries by Dutch Caribbean
  Hans PB2T, President of IARU R1, President of EUDXF

* VP6DX Ducie Island 2008 expedition
  Tonno ES5TV

* Azores, CU2X - the winning formula
  Martti OH2BH & Toni OH2UA

* Arcala Extremes OH8X extreme antenna - 3 el Yagi for 160m
  Juha OH8NC

* SAC Contest forum - change or not to change
  Jouko OH1RX, Panel and discussions

* RL3A/RK3AWL contest station overview
  Mats R3/SM6LRR

* CW and SSB pileup contests

* ...

* + LOTS of good company and rag-chewing with the like-minded!

Time schedule (local times) :

Friday 16.1.2009 (Helsinki)
- 15:30: Check-in starts at the ferry terminal
- 17:30: Ferry leaves Helsinki (OH)
- 18:00: Get-together, Presentations (part I)
- 20:30: Contest/DX Buffet

Saturday 17.1.2009 (Stockholm)
- 09:40: Arrival to Stockholm (SM)
- 11:00: Presentations (part II)
- 16:45: Ferry leaves Stockholm (SM)
- 20:00: Contest & DX Dinner, A'la carte

Sunday 18.1.2009 (Helsinki)
- 10:00: Arrival to Helsinki (OH)

*NOTE*:  All 17.1.2009 daytime program visitors in Stockholm *MUST* register by 9.1.2009!

         See instructions --> http://www.ohdxf.fi/ohdxf/content.php?content.17

Happy New Year!   CU "/MM" in January 2009!

On behalf of Contest Club Finland (CCF) and OH DX Foundation (OHDXF),


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