[CCF] Esitys uusiksi SAC säännöiksi

Toni Lindén oh2ua at oh2u.com
Wed Nov 5 05:29:52 EST 2008

Hyvät ihmiset!

Ohessa esitykseni uusiksi SAC säännöiksi.

Muutama keskeinen poiminta:
* Kisa yhtenä viikonloppuna (entinen CW viikonloppu)
* Kaikki workkivat kaikkia tyylinen kisa, jossa Scandinaaveista saa
eniten pisteitä
* Sanomana muilla RST + numero, SAC mailla RST + numero + maakunta
* Kertoimina DXCC maat sekä Scadinavaavien maakunnat (eli samoin kuin
NRAU/Baltic kisassa)
* Luokkina MIXED/SSB/CW (omine alaluokkineen)
* Bandit 160 - 10M ilman WARC:ja
* Clusterin käyttö sallittu kaikissa luokissa
* Järjestelyistä vastaa SAC contest komitea

73 de Toni, OH2UA

Contest Period
* Every 3rd weekend of September, Sat 12:00 UTC to Sun 11:59 UTC)
* 2009: 1200 UTC 19 Sept - 1200 UTC 20 Sept

    * SOAB–MIX - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED,
    * SOAB–MIX-LP - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, Low Power 100 watts
    * SOAB-MIX-QRP - Single Op, All Bands, MIXED, QRP 5 watts
    * SOAB–CW - Single Op, All Bands, CW
    * SOAB–CW–LP - Single Op, All Bands, CW, Low Power 100 watts
    * SOAB–SSB - Single Op, All Bands, SSB
    * SOAB–SSB-LP - Single Op, All Bands, SSB, Low Power 100 watts
    * SOSB - Single Op, single band, MIXED (6 different band entries,
separately 160, 80, 40, 20, 15, 10 m)
    * MOST - Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter, MIXED
    * MO2T - Multi Op, Two transmitters, MIXED
    * SWL - MIXED

* All bands, 1.8 through 28 MHz, WARC bands excluded.

* The participant can operate and enter in two different single band
categories. This allows a station, for example, enter two logs for 10m
and 80m and have both count towards awards.

* Single Band entrants operating other bands during the contest are
encouraged to submit their logs for more than one band to aid in the
log cross-checking process.

* All entries separated by World and Scandinavia.

National competition

* Only for Scandinavians

* National amateur radio unions have their own competition where all
submitted entries are counted into national competition

* Check logs are accepted for national competition

General Rules
* Transmitters and receivers must be located within a 500 meter
diameter circle. All antennas used by an entrant must be physically
connected  to the transmitters by wires (feeders).

* All categories of entrants are allowed to use packet and WEB clusters.

* Using any IP net for the remote transceiving, including web
radiostations is unsportsmanlike and the entry is subject to

* Self-spotting is not allowed. Soliciting contacts by telephone,
telex, internet, packet mail during and before the contest is

* Using other stations callsigns for the following - keeping the
working frequency on the other bands, making schedules, DX-spotting,
moving the multipliers to the other bands - is prohibited.

* The use by an entrant of telephones, telegrams, Internet, packet to
solicit contacts during the contest (self-spotting) is not allowed and
forces to disqualification of an entrant.

* Single Operator participants may change bands and modes without
restrictions. Only one signal can be transmitted at any given time.

* Single Operator: Those stations at which One person performs all of
operating, logging, and spotting functions.

* MOST stations are limited by "10 minutes" rule. Start time is
determined on the first QSO made on that particular band. Only one
signal can be transmitted at any given time. Exception: two signals on
different bands are allowed if and only if the station on another
(only one) "multiplier" band picked up a new multiplier. This
"multiplier" band should also be changed on "10 minutes" rule.
Contacts, violating both rules, should be shown in the log, they will
neither be counted nor penalized for an entrant, but counted for the
station contacted.

* MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters): A maximum of two transmitted
signals at any time on different bands. Each transmitter may make a
maximum of 8 band changes in any clock hour (00 through 59 minutes).
For example, a change from 40 meters to 80 meters and then back to 40
meters constitutes two band changes. Both transmitters may work any
and all stations. A station may only be worked twice per band (CW and
SSB) regardless of which transmitter is used.

* All of MIXED categories entrants can work the same station both CW
and SSB. CW contacts on SSB portion of the band, and SSB contacts on
CW portion of the band are prohibited.

* It's recommended to use /QRP in callsign for SOAB-MIX-QRP (Single
Op, All Bands, MIXED, QRP 5 watts) entry.

* Non-Scandinavian stations: signal report + QSO number, starting with 001.

* MOST (Multi Op, All Bands, Single transmitter)can use separate
serial numbers for each band or chronological serial numbers.

* MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters) MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters)
can use either separate serial numbers for each band or separate
serial numbers for each transmitter. Each QSO in the submitted log
must have transmitter identifier.

* Scandinavian stations: signal report + 2 letters showing Amt / Fylke
/ Län / Province / Region, e.g. 59(9)001 VN (abreviation for SAC
partisipants: http://www.sk3bg.se/contest/nrau.htm#ABBR)

QSO Points.

    * Scandinavian stations: *QSO with your own country – 2 points,
    * QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
    * QSO with another continent – 5 points.

    * Non-Scandinavian stations: QSO with Scandinavian station – 10 points,
    * QSO with your own country – 2 points,
    * QSO with a different country on your continent – 3 points,
    * QSO with another continent – 5 points.

* /MM stations are not the multipliers, but worth 5 points for any participant.

* SWL stations must copy one or both exchange numbers, points are
scored on common rules.

* Dupes are contacts made with the same station on the same band and
mode. If the first contact between stations is valid, dupes have 0
points value. If the first contact is not valid, second (dupe) contact
is accepted.

* Dupe contacts are not penalized; one does not have to mark them in
the log submission. Moreover, entrants are strictly recommended to
leave DUPES in the log file. DO NOT DELETE DUPES!

    * Two types of multiplier will be used: A multiplier of one (1)
for each different  Amt / Fylke / Län / Province / Region contacted on
each band.
    * A multiplier of one (1) for each different country contacted on
each band.

Final Score
* All stations: the final score is the result of the total QSO points
multiplied by the sum of  Amt / Fylke / Län / Province / Region and
country multipliers.

General Log Submission Requirements
* The SAC Committee requires electronics log for every possible
high-scored entry. Paper logs are accepted only as check log.

*Submit your log in the CABRILLO format created by all major logging programs.

* All times must be in GMT.

* All sent and received exchanges are to be logged.

* Filename for the log should be yourcall.log.

* A plain-text file format is also acceptable.

* Log submissions in MS Word, Excel or UUE-coded files may force
disqualification of an entrant in case of wrong file conversion to
plain-text format.

* In the header part of the electronic log submission you MUST specify
a category of entrance and the full postal address for dispatch to the
participant SAC results, trophies, awards and certificates. A written
declaration is not necessary.

* Submit your log in the Cabrillo file format by e-mail or on IBM,
MS-DOS compatible computer disk.

* Hand-written log can be made in chronological order or have separate
sheet for each band. Each QSO must contain call sign, time, band,
RS(RST), exchange number (both sent and received - even for check

* Points and final score calculations are not necessary, calculations
are done by our software.

* Dupes should not be marked or deleted.

* MO2T (Multi Op, Two transmitters) the electronic log submittal
(Cabrillo) must indicate which transmitter made each QSO.

Log Submission Addresses and Terms
* Logs must be submitted to the contest sponsors no later than 31st of Oct

* SAC committee urgently asks participants to specify frequencies (CAT
System) on which QSOs were spent in log for more careful redereeing.

* 1st, 2nd and 3rd place certificates will be awarded in each category
listed under Section 3. Special plaques for different categories 1st
place winners are founded.

    * Every participant from Scandinavia and Europe will receive a
certificate of merit for the following: Multi-band and single band 20
and 15 m entries – 200 and more QSO,
    * Single-band 80 and 40 entries – 150 and more QSO.
    * Single-band 160 and 10 m entries – 100 and more QSO.
    * MIX-QRP entry - 100 and more QSO.

    * Every NA, SA, AF, AS, OC and AN participant will receive a
certificate of merit for the following: Multi-band and single band 20
and 15 m entries – at least 150 QSO's,
    * Single-band 80 and 40 entries – 100 and more QSO.
    * Single-band 160 and 10 m entries – 50 and more QSO.
    * MIX-QRP entry - 50 and more QSO.

* Non-Scandinavian participants: 1st place certificates will be
awarded in each category listed under "Categories" in every
participating country, but the log must contain at least 50 QSO's.

* SWL stations will be awarded a certificate according to same same
rules as other partisipants (lised above).

* Every participant, who sends his log submission via e-mail, will be
sent a UBN-list with his claimed/confirmed results separately by
bands/modes and QSO list, containing his errors and errors of worked

* SAC Contest Committee decisions are final.

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