Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Mon Sep 29 01:23:36 EDT 2008

Call: RK3AWL
Operator(s): SM6LRR
Station: RK3AWL

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Moscow
Operating Time (hrs): 22
Radios: SO2R

Band  QSOs  Mults
   80:  119    30
   40:  173    39
   20:  139    41
   15:   44    19
   10:   31    15
Total:  506   144  Total Score = 72,720

Club: RK3AWL Contest Club


After the strategical mistake in the CW part to trust too much on the belief
that Scandinavians eventually should start looking for stations calling CQ
Scandinavia, the philosophy was slightly changed for the SSB part.

Conditions were extremely poor on 10 and 15, but with the generous help of
stations ready to QSY to those bands, I managed still to get 19 valuable
multipliers on 15 and also 15 multipliers on 10 meters.

Exciting moments were when I managed to work 5 bands with the same station
in a
consequtive row and within 3 minutes. This happened first time with Eric
After that I decided to try the same scheme with Peter SM2CEW, and with the
same good result!

It was obvious early that I had no chance to beat the last year's All Time
Record (100480 points), but still the contest was really fun to participate
I have no full picture of the competitors, but I know that ES5TV, Tonno, did
fantastic work and fully managed the SO2R setup... I need to make a spy trip
Estonia to see how I shall improve the SO2R skills and also exactly what
equipment to use. I am sure that some of the pictures captured on our webcam
have caught me in funny positions with three headsets all over my head and
body, with cables strangling me near to death ;)

So, Tonno, in case no other invisible dark horse appeared, I think that you
returned the victory to Estonia this year... CONGRATULATIONS in that case!
be sure, next year I will not make it so easy for you to keep it there ;)

73 and thanks to everyone, both Scandinavians and Non-Scandinavians for
the 50th Anniversary of SAC a very memorable effort!

Also, needless to say, BIG thank you to the team of RK3AWL for making it
possible to use their station, and also for cheering me up and serving
excellent dinner whenever I was hungry for food instead of Scandinavians!

RK3AWL (R3/SM6LRR, Mats)

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