[CCF] Fwd: PileUP! 14(1) Call for contributions

Ilkka Korpela Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Thu Dec 10 00:53:43 PST 2009

----- Edelleenvälitetty viesti  -----
Vastausosoite: Ilkka.Korpela at helsinki.fi
Otsikko: PileUP! 14(1) Call for contributions
Vastaanottaja: cq-contest at contesting.com


   Contest Club Finland's PileUP! 14(1) or 2010/1,
   to be published Jan 5, 2010, in pdf, free, in the web, welcomes your
   input in the form of

   - photos
   - short stories (incl. humor)
   - articles

   Please contact Esa oh7wv at sral.fi, or Ilkka oh1wz at sral.fi, the
   guest editors of this issue, for instructions.

   PileUP! has been without an editor-in-chief for a while
   and we are trying to keep it alive.

   Last two issues
   had > 4000 readers.


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