[CCF] Video from RRTC-2008 (Russian Radiosport Team Championship)

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Thu Feb 19 01:25:47 EST 2009

Hello Finnish friends!

This video might be interesting for someone to watch.


It shows the RRTC-2008 (Russian Radiosport Team Championship) that took
place in Domodedovo (south of Moscow).

RRTC is one of the most important qualification contest for Russian
contesters aiming to participate in WRTC-2010. The interest for this
competition is really big. Teams from all over Russia are gathering each
year in July for this event. Not only for the purpose of winning the
contest, but to get together and feel true Amateur Radio atmosphere and

Even if the video only is in Russian language I think anyone with interest
for contests can still apreciate it.

During this year's RRTC I am planning to write an article about the event,
the rules of the contest and also update you about the coming WRTC-2010.

Probably, WRTC-2010 will take place in the same area as RRTC. The location
will be very good, and the risk that some teams will have a worse place than
others will not be very big. All places are close to each other and there
are no hills or valleys that will create differences. The only thing that
can differ is the amount of mud that can be created in case of heavy rains
(like in 2008) ;)

I have already heard that several OH and SM hams are planning to attend
WRTC-2010 as participants, referees or just normal visitors. That sounds
great to me as we will then have a chance to have some Nordic gathering in
the middle of UA3 ;)

Hope to hear you all in Russian DX contest 21/22 March. We will be working
M2 from SK3W most likely... so Finnish hard competition is always welcome :)

73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats

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