Toni Lindén oh2ua at oh2u.com
Tue Oct 27 06:30:56 PDT 2009

Kiitoksia OH-asemille Qsoista!

73 de Toni, -2UA

                   CQ Worldwide DX Contest, SSB

Call: CR2X
Operator(s): OH2UA
Station: CR2X

Class: SOAB HP
QTH: Azores
Operating Time (hrs): 48
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Zones  Countries
 160:  271    13       60
  80:  720    23       86
  40: 1373    27       98
  20: 1952    30       95
  15: 3375    31      122
  10:  485    19       62
Total: 8179   143      523  Total Score = 11,067,588

Club: Contest Club Finland


First I wan't to thank you all for QSOs! Also I'd like to congratulate Tonno,
ES5TV, for great effort! At this point I guess we can stop talks that from
mainland EU it's not possible to compete with Azores! With great operator and
station together with right tactics it's possible to beat Azores some day.
Fortunately this was not the year ;)

Condx were not anything spectacular from Azores and especially low bands were
down from last year. Also new call sign structure caused some harm to me
because people did not seem to realize CR2 being Azores (CU), not Portugal.

15M actually closed pretty much same time with 20M on Saturday causing that I
had only couple of hundreds Qs' there after first day and at half way even my
80M mult was better than 20M. Also 10M didn't open up at all on 1st day in

I knew that from CU2 no way I could beat guys in mainland EU in multiplier
because reaching Asia over Europe is just too hard (and knew that e.g. Tonno's
great SO2R operator and does well with mults always).

I made my tactics so that for the first day I'd just run like a mad and for the
second leg I would see what mults I'm missing. I was hoping to get comfortable
lead with something like 5500 - 6000Q's on 1st day and save some time in order
to gain QSO number while not playing around with mults. But that didn't pay
off. Couldn't get run going as I was hoping for and my multiplier count was a
disaster after 1st day. I actually noted that being active with mults and doing
things with 2nd radio has very small influence to my QSO-count.

Fortunately I was able to push my mult on 2nd day to somewhat reasonable
numbers even tough on 20M I'm missing 25-30 countries and maybe 10 more on 40M.
E.g. on 40M I squeezed one JA on Sunday evening as a double mult - no need to
talk about Asians on any low bands nor 15M.

I guess that 11,5milj would have been possible this year at CR2X but no matter
what I would have done I think wouldn't be able to reach 12milj. I have 7
multipliers and 165Q's more than last year but still I'm running 350k pts short
of last years record.

With score levels like this on SSB it will be very interesting CW leg...

73 de Toni, OH2UA / CU2KI


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