[CCF] YO DX HF Contest

jari.talkara at nokia.com jari.talkara at nokia.com
Mon Aug 23 06:21:01 PDT 2010

Jos awardit kiinnostaa, YO-45th Parallel awardi on mahdollista saada YO-kontestin aikana vaatien 8 maan workkimista näiden joukosta: USA, Canada, St. Pierre & Miquelon, France, Italy, Yugoslavia, Romania, USSR, Mongolia, China and Japan. Pahvi tulee automaattisesti, eri anomusta ei tarvita.


Dear Contester,
My call is YO2DFA and I am the contest manager of the  YO DX HF Contest this year too. 

I would like to inform you that this year the contest will take place in the weekend of 28-29 August.
The complete contest rules can be found at the following address: http://www.yodx.ro/en/hf-contest/rules

The results of 2009 edition can be found at: http://www.yodx.ro/en/hf-contest/2009/final-results

For more details regarding the activity of YO radio-amateurs, please visit the www.yodx.ro web page.
If in the contest you will fulfill the conditions for an YO - 45P (1st class) award, this one will be sent to you for free. No additional request will have to be sent.  (http://www.hamradio.ro/media/dipl/nou/YO_45P.jpg).

I'm looking forward to your participation at 2010 radio celebration of the YO radio-amateurs and I wish you the best of luck!
73 Ovidiu - YO2DFA
YO DX HF 2010 Contest Manager

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