[CCF] [Fwd: [3830] SAC SSB OG6N(OH6NIO) SOAB LP]

Teijo Murtovaara teijo.murtovaara at netikka.fi
Tue Oct 12 09:47:36 PDT 2010


Tässä viikonlopun saldoa. Onnea vaan koville suorituksille. Näyttää 
olevan tiukka kisa isojen poikien luokassa.

Teijo OH6NIO

-------- Alkuperäinen viesti / Orig.Msg. --------
Päiväys: Tue, 12 Oct 2010 09:39:40 -0700
Lähettäjä: webform at b41h.net
Vastausosoite: oh6nio at sral.fi
Vastaanottaja: 3830 at contesting.com

                     Scandinavian Activity Contest, SSB

Call: OG6N
Operator(s): OH6NIO
Station: OG6N

Class: SOAB LP
QTH: Mieto
Operating Time (hrs):
Radios: SO2R

  Band  QSOs  Mults
    80:   44    19
    40:  240    37
    20:  451    49
    15:  134    42
    10:    3     3
Total:  872   150  Total Score = 273,600

Club: Contest Club Finland


Low power and the low sunsopt number in the SAC weekend is a hard enough 
mix and the cold that I got for one week prior to the contest was not 
making it any easier. Anyway somehow I just could't stay in bed when the 
contest started. I must admit that there were some dark moments during 
the night when I seriously questioned my sanity :)  Though after the 
contest I was glad that I didn't give up. I guess that the contesters 
are a special breed.

The first hour of the contest was a sign of the things to come. 20m 
folded out too early and the long grinding on the lower bands started. 
40m was so-so without much of DX but 80m was a disaster. I just couldn't 
get it going no matter what. I slept during the unproductive hours to 
regain some strength for the rest of the contest. The morning shift on 
40m was tough even though there were some really nice and strong 
signals. It took quite long time for the higher bands to open but then 
there was finally a kind of opening to the east on 15m. 10m was as poor 
as it can get the only stations that made into the log were Z21BB and 
ES5TV which were almost at ESP level and DJ4AX who had a good signal. 
Just before the end of the contest some stations from NA made it into 
the log on 15m.

Although the SSB leg was a tough one compared to the CW weekend it was 
nice to meet some old contest friends that stopped by to give some 
points. Thank you for the QSOs! SAC is!

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