[CCF] Asssisted Catagory in CQWW expanded

jari.talkara at nokia.com jari.talkara at nokia.com
Wed Oct 27 00:01:13 PDT 2010

Dear Fellow contester,
Many of you do not subscribe to the contest reflector or CQ magazine and you may have missed our public announcement.  The CQ WW Contest Committee would like to inform you via this news letter that the ASSISTED CATEGORY award program has been greatly expanded.
  We announce the strengthening of the assisted awards program. Starting with the 2010 CQ WW contests, the assisted category award program will be greatly expanded.
   All Low Power and QRP assisted entrants will be specifically listed and eligible for awards as is already the case for unassisted entries.  
  A band-by-band breakdown for all band assisted World, Europe and USA will be provided within the 2010 results.  
  Lastly, the number of plaques available to assisted entrants will be increased to include Europe Assisted All Band and all World Assisted Single Bands.  
We hope that this action provides an incentive for entrants using a QSO spotting system to join the assisted category.
Please make a note that the log submission deadline for SSB has changed to Nov 21, 2010 and for CW to Dec 21, 2010.
Bob, K3EST
CQ WW Director

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