[CCF] SAC 2010 Marketing ???

Tomi Ylinen tomi.ylinen at luukku.com
Tue Sep 7 00:16:24 PDT 2010

I'm afraid Mats is right. So we should prepare to be on SSB-bands on 25th Sept, 12 Z, telling people that SAC SSB has been moved in case people start calling CQ Scandinavian contest. Maybe even beacon-type bulletin around 14,2MHz would be good.

Plus giving announcements via DX Clusters prior that time.


Mats Strandberg kirjoitti 06.09.2010 kello 21:36:
> Hello Fellow SAC Friends!
> Less than two weeks remain until the Scandinavian Activity Contest 2010
> takes place.
> Maybe I am not correct, maybe I have looked at the wrong places... 
>  but my
> feeling is that SAC 2010 has so far not been advertised at all!  As a
> participant of year 2009, with a log submitted and approved, I would
>  have
> thought at least an email should have been received from the
>  organizers of
> SAC 2010 - namely EDR.
> Am I the only one who has not received an email with some welcoming
>  words
> from EDR?
> I have checked most major contesting sites and forums, and with few
> exceptions (if any), NOTHING has been said about SAC 2010.
> We have a BIG CHANGE this year - the move of the SAC SSB leg from
>  the 4th
> weekend of September until the 2nd Weekend of October. That
>  important change
> MUST be advertised in advance, otherwise we will have hundreds of
>  foreign
> stations waiting on the frequencies as always at 1200 UTC on Saturday,
> September 25th. When they realize that no Scandinavians will appear - be
> sure that the disappointment and the bad PR will not wait...
> In the years 2006 and 2007, the total amount of SAC logs were 1263
>  and 1337.
> In the years 2008 and 2009, the total amount of SAC logs were 1825
>  and 1839.
> An increase of roughly 40% the past two years compared to the two
>  previous
> years has been achieved - not through increased sunspots, but
>  through hard
> work with marketing and advertising.
> My concern is that we will have the same amount of total SAC logs
>  year 2010
> as we had in 2006 and 2007 - and this simply because the organizers
>  of SAC
> 2010 completely have failed to perform marketing...  Am I the only
>  one who
> considers this a problem?
> How shall we convince the HF Contest Managers of two countries to change
> their approach - and realize that SAC deserves better attention and
>  better
> efforts than this?
> For how long shall we remain ostridges, and hide our heads in the
>  sand...
> and hope that "SAC will take care of itself"?
> Looking forward to your feedback and comments how we in SM and OH shall
> successfully change the focus on SAC to a better, more dedicated and
>  active
> one?
> 73 de R3/SM6LRR, Mats
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