[CCF] PileUP! not read in SM!!!

Jan Erik Holm sm2ekm at telia.com
Thu Sep 16 09:06:13 PDT 2010

I be darned! Maybe I have to put my station on the air after
all, it was not planed. I´m renovating the kitchen and really
don´t have the time.

Thanks for a very nice PileUP issue, sure was fun reading
about the GOOD old days.

73 and good luck in SAC / Jim SM2EKM
On 2010-09-16 16:01, Ilkka Korpela wrote:
> Hello folks
>    One more announcement from PileUP!'s editorial office:
>    We have very few registered readers in SM. Our only
>    explanation is a boycott. Should the Swedes read PileUP!
>    they'd get 'rabbit's in their trousers' right before
>    the event. It's forbidden!
>    Go OH!
>    de OH1WZ (swl-class)

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