Toni Lindén oh2ua at oh2u.com
Sun Sep 19 22:20:27 PDT 2010

Mukavat kellit ja hyvä aktiviteetti! SOAB luokka näyttää olevan melko
tasainen taas tänäkin vuonna. Käykäähän pistämässä (pienetkin) skoret
myös tuonne 3830 listalle niin näkevät maailmallakin mitä täällä on

Tulosten postaus täältä: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

Ja lista postatuista tuloksista täällä: http://lists.contesting.com/_3830/

73 de Toni, OH2UA

                   Scandinavian Activity Contest, CW

Call: OH2BH
Operator(s): OH2UA
Station: OH2BH

Class: SOAB HP
Operating Time (hrs): 24
Radios: SO2R

 Band  QSOs  Mults
  80:  426    47
  40:  593    66
  20:  823    71
  15:  325    60
  10:   82    29
Total: 2249   273  Total Score = 1,441,894

Club: Contest Club Finland


Thank you all for QSO's! It was fun to see some light on high bands after almost
10 years of darkness. Just have to hope that this wasn't the sunspot maximum...
I was also very surprised of the good activity and even on Sunday there was
still stations to work.

There was a lot of changes at OH2BH this year. New ham shack, new cabling, new
radios (pair of FT5000) and new amps (OM-power auto-amps) so even everything
worked fine, I was struggling for the first hours of the contest.

SOAB HP was a great battle again this year. This year the top stations seems to
be maybe closer than ever; e.g. there's about 0,5 QSO's between Kim (OH4A) and I
;) Looks like we really have to wait for log checking before knowing the

Thanks to Martti, OH2BH and to Leena, OH2BE for possibility to use the station
and great hospitality!

73 de Toni, OH2UA (@Helsinki airport on a way to CU2 for some maintenance work)

Posted using 3830 Score Submittal Forms at: http://www.hornucopia.com/3830score/

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