[CCF] Sponsered extra SAC trophies

Ilkka Korpela Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Mon Aug 8 22:49:35 PDT 2011


  One way of boosting activity of NON-Scandinavian stations
  could be extra trophies sponsored not by the leagues, but

  I refer to prizes such as e.g. the Scandinavian plaque in
  CQ WW.

  PileUP! (oh1wz) is ready to publicize and organize such activity for
  SAC 2011, in agreed co-operation with organizers.

  Please contact oh1wx (and oh6kzp), if you have an idea and would
  like to sponsor a trophy. callsign at sral.fi.


  Example: "LY/ES/YL SOAB LP SSB by ilkka korpela, OH1WZ"

Ilkka Korpela

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