[CCF] [TOEC] Sponsered extra SAC trophies

Mats Strandberg sm6lrr at gmail.com
Fri Aug 12 12:09:16 PDT 2011


I have already communicated with Ilkka an interest to sponsor a plaque.

Well aware that we exist in a grey zone between old organisation system of
SAC and new (agreed in NRAU meeting), I think personally that the new SAC CC
should be organizing and coordinating this activity together with OH, who is
organizer this year.

1. Inform sponsors on the cost and appearance of the plaque

2. Ask sponsors to submit a wish to sponsor one certain plaque

3. Coordinate wishes so we do not get double sponsors for the same class

It is not difficult, but the new SAC CC must be involved in the process;
otherwise thez will never be involved....

It is also VERY LITTLE information about these changes so far.  Must be

Also, activity for promotion of SAC 2011 very low profile so far (maybe I
have not seen anything but things are still happening... but would be much
better if we have more aggressive marketing one month before SAC 2011...

It seems to me we are still driving in the same old tracks as always.... I
hope I am wrong...

73 de RA/SM6LRR, Mats

2011/8/12 <timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi>

> Hi
> I have not seen a single comment about Ilkka's proposal.
> This is a VERY GOOD proposal.
> We have to make SAC Contest more interesting for non Scandinavian stations.
> To give out Plaques is one way to do it.
> Does anyone know the price for these plaques manufactured in one of the SAC
> countries?
> We should start a Plaque Program and announce it in DX Bulletins and
> PileUP.
> Gentlemen, please your comments!
> Timo, OG9X
> HF Contest Manager of SRAL
> Ilkka Korpela [Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi] kirjoitti:
> > Hi
> >
> >   One way of boosting activity of NON-Scandinavian stations
> >   could be extra trophies sponsored not by the leagues, but
> >   individuals.
> >
> >   I refer to prizes such as e.g. the Scandinavian plaque in
> >   CQ WW.
> >
> >   PileUP! (oh1wz) is ready to publicize and organize such activity for
> >   SAC 2011, in agreed co-operation with organizers.
> >
> >   Please contact oh1wx (and oh6kzp), if you have an idea and would
> >   like to sponsor a trophy. callsign at sral.fi.
> >
> > ilkka
> >
> >   Example: "LY/ES/YL SOAB LP SSB by ilkka korpela, OH1WZ"
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > --
> > Ilkka Korpela
> > http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela
> >
> >
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