[CCF] CCF Digest, Vol 104, Issue 10

veikko.kuumola at kolumbus.fi veikko.kuumola at kolumbus.fi
Fri Aug 12 12:53:12 PDT 2011

I also support ilkkas suggestion concerning non skandic op' s. This is minor cost  but supporting SAC contest idea completely.  
R's Vexi OH3LB

-----Original Message-----
From: ccf-request at contesting.com
Sent:  12.08.2011, 22:00 
To: ccf at contesting.com
Subject: CCF Digest, Vol 104, Issue 10

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Today's Topics:

   1. Osaako OH:t cw:t?? (timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi)
   2. Re: Sponsered extra SAC trophies (timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi)
   3. Re: Sponsered extra SAC trophies (Stein Roar LA6FJA-K3RAG)


Message: 1
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 19:37:00 +0300 (EEST)
From: timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi
Subject: [CCF] Osaako OH:t cw:t??
To: ccf at contesting.com, fin-ham at sral.fi
	<32901504.8125851313167021340.JavaMail.timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi>
Content-Type: text/plain; Charset=iso-8859-1; Format=Flowed


Kun katselin vuoden 2010 SAC tuloksia, niin her?si kysymys - osataanko Suomessa en?? cw:t??

SSB:ll?  SM  149 lokia - 11,9 milj pistett?   OH 60 lokia - 11,6 milj pistett?
CW:ll?   SM   143 lokia - 29,9 milj pistett?  OH  79 lokia - 22,8 milj pistett?

Ruotsilla yhteens? 292 lokia, Suomella vain 139 !

Eli lis?? porukkaa tarvitaan mukaan, molemmille modeille.
Kaivetaan ne Golden Keyt sielt? hyllyn per?lt? ja workitaan.

Eik?s hyv? tavoite olisi t?n? vuonna 350 lokia Suomesta?

Ilmoittautumisia otetaan edelleen vastaan.

Lis??n leikkimieliseen ILMAVEIVI-kisaan uuden luokan: Ensimm?inen HF-kilpailuni.

73, Timo OG9X



Message: 2
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 20:13:26 +0300 (EEST)
From: timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi
Subject: Re: [CCF] Sponsered extra SAC trophies
To: Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi, ccf at contesting.com, toec at contesting.com
	<15304062.8126811313169207540.JavaMail.timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi>
Content-Type: text/plain; Charset=iso-8859-1; Format=Flowed


I have not seen a single comment about Ilkka's proposal.
This is a VERY GOOD proposal.
We have to make SAC Contest more interesting for non Scandinavian stations.
To give out Plaques is one way to do it.
Does anyone know the price for these plaques manufactured in one of the SAC countries?
We should start a Plaque Program and announce it in DX Bulletins and PileUP.

Gentlemen, please your comments!

Timo, OG9X
HF Contest Manager of SRAL

Ilkka Korpela [Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi] kirjoitti: 
> Hi
>   One way of boosting activity of NON-Scandinavian stations
>   could be extra trophies sponsored not by the leagues, but
>   individuals.
>   I refer to prizes such as e.g. the Scandinavian plaque in
>   CQ WW.
>   PileUP! (oh1wz) is ready to publicize and organize such activity for
>   SAC 2011, in agreed co-operation with organizers.
>   Please contact oh1wx (and oh6kzp), if you have an idea and would
>   like to sponsor a trophy. callsign at sral.fi.
> ilkka
>   Example: "LY/ES/YL SOAB LP SSB by ilkka korpela, OH1WZ"
> -- 
> Ilkka Korpela
> http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela
> _______________________________________________
> CCF mailing list
> CCF at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/ccf



Message: 3
Date: Fri, 12 Aug 2011 19:42:19 +0200 (MEST)
From: Stein Roar  LA6FJA-K3RAG <s-roabr at online.no>
Subject: Re: [CCF] Sponsered extra SAC trophies
To: <timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi>, <Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi>,
	<ccf at contesting.com>, <toec at contesting.com>
	<5787875.6006.1313170939466.JavaMail.adm-moff at moffice9.nsc.no>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset="iso-8859-1"


I support this idea, specially best youth Single-Op and M/S outside scandinavia etc.

73 LA6FJA Rag

> From: timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi
> Sent: 2011-08-12 19:13:26 MEST
> To: Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi, ccf at contesting.com, toec at contesting.com
> Subject: Re: [CCF] Sponsered extra SAC trophies
> Hi
> I have not seen a single comment about Ilkka's proposal.
> This is a VERY GOOD proposal.
> We have to make SAC Contest more interesting for non Scandinavian stations.
> To give out Plaques is one way to do it.
> Does anyone know the price for these plaques manufactured in one of the SAC countries?
> We should start a Plaque Program and announce it in DX Bulletins and PileUP.
> Gentlemen, please your comments!
> Timo, OG9X
> HF Contest Manager of SRAL
> Ilkka Korpela [Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi] kirjoitti: 
> > Hi
> > 
> >   One way of boosting activity of NON-Scandinavian stations
> >   could be extra trophies sponsored not by the leagues, but
> >   individuals.
> > 
> >   I refer to prizes such as e.g. the Scandinavian plaque in
> >   CQ WW.
> > 
> >   PileUP! (oh1wz) is ready to publicize and organize such activity for
> >   SAC 2011, in agreed co-operation with organizers.
> > 
> >   Please contact oh1wx (and oh6kzp), if you have an idea and would
> >   like to sponsor a trophy. callsign at sral.fi.
> > 
> > ilkka
> > 
> >   Example: "LY/ES/YL SOAB LP SSB by ilkka korpela, OH1WZ"
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > 
> > -- 
> > Ilkka Korpela
> > http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela
> > 
> > 
> > _______________________________________________
> > CCF mailing list
> > CCF at contesting.com
> > http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/ccf
> > 
> -- 
> _______________________________________________
> CCF mailing list
> CCF at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/ccf


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CCF at contesting.com

End of CCF Digest, Vol 104, Issue 10

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