[CCF] Edin W0YK (P49X) hyvä juttu WXP RTTY

Luoma-aho Pasi Pasi.Luoma-aho at digia.com
Wed Feb 9 09:04:10 PST 2011


Tuossa W0YK:n tekstissä lienee selkeästi väärää tietoa tuosta single-operaattorin operointiajasta.  Hän sanoo tekstissä, että "Single operator logs are scored on only the first 30 hours of operation".

Säännöissä sanotaan kuitenkin näin:  "Single-Operator stations may operate 30 of the 48 hours - off times must be a minimum of 60 minutes." 

Ymmärtääkseni single-op voi sijoittaa nuo 30 workkimistuntiaan parhaaksi katsomallaan tavalla koko 48 tunnin kisan ajalle.   Jokaisen tauon on kuitenkin oltava aina vähintään tunnin mittainen.

73 de Pasi OH6UM

>-----Original Message-----
>From: ccf-bounces at contesting.com [mailto:ccf-bounces at contesting.com] On
>Behalf Of OH2BP - The RTTY Man
>Sent: Tuesday, February 08, 2011 1:24 PM
>To: ccf at contesting.com
>Subject: [CCF] Edin W0YK (P49X) hyvä juttu WXP RTTY
>Ensi viikonlopulla workitaan taas WPX - siellä tavataan
>73 OH2BP
>The RTTY Man
>CQ WPX RTTY runs this weekend followed by SSB in March and CW in May.
>Whatever the propagation, there will surely be plenty of activity (and fun!)
>for everyone.
>While WPX was designed as a DX contest, the prefix multipliers are equally
>valuable wherever they come from, even one's own country. Of course, more
>QSO points are awarded for QSOs in other continents, but modest stations can
>feasibly make a million points if they operate most of the contest period.
>WPX also emphasizes the low bands by awarding double points for QSOs on 80
>and 40 meters compared to 20, 15 and 10 meters.  Especially at this
>(continued!) point in the solar cycle, WPX really encourages contacts on the
>low bands.  Operating strategy should take into account maximizing time on
>80 and 40 as long as the QSO rate is at least half what could be expected on
>the high bands.  The high bands are still important for multipliers that may
>not be on the low bands and for daytime QSOs.
>In RTTY WPX, Packet assistance is allowed in all entry classes.  Single
>operator logs are scored on only the first 30 hours of operation, but
>operation beyond that is fine as long as the QSOs are left in the log so
>that log checking will not penalize the stations worked for NIL (Not In Log)
>QSOs.  Furthermore, if single ops are more interested in the club
>competition than individual results, and they want to operate past the 30
>hour limit, they can enter as Multi-Single.
>Be sure and review the 2011 Rules, as there have been some changes, notably
>the addition of the same Overlay classes as CW/SSB for Rookies and
>Tri-Band/Wires.  MixW users are encouraged to consult www.cqwpxrtty.com
><http://www.cqwpxrtty.com/>  for information on how to configure prior to
>the contest and how to create a proper Cabrillo format log after the
>contest.  The majority of improper Cabrillo logs in the past have come from
>MixW users.  ;>)
>In a separate announcement, K5ZD describes a new log submittal tool that
>examines your Cabrillo log for format errors real-time as you submit it so
>you can correct immediately.  WPX RTTY is its maiden voyage but testing to
>date shows it is a valuable resource in saving log submittal time after the
>contest as well as providing better formatted logs to ease log checking.
>www.cqwpx.com/logcheck/ is recommended for log submittal, but the
>traditional robot can still be used directly, too.
>Finally, two practice sessions will be held to help you prepare for the big
>2200-2230z, Thursday, 10 February
>0200-0230z, Friday, 11 February
>Join both sessions if you can, although the first may be easier for
>Europeans and the latter for North Americans.
>Ed - W0YK/4
>CQ RTTY Contest Manager
>CCF mailing list
>CCF at contesting.com

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