[CCF] CQ WW 2011 korjatut tulokset ja UBN:t

OG9X timo.korhonen at elisanet.fi
Wed Aug 22 14:09:38 EDT 2012

Dear Fellow Contesters,

The *official, corrected* *final results* for the *SSB *CQ WW contest are
now posted on the CQ magazine web site
).  The *official, corrected final results* for the *CW* CQ WW contest will
be posted on the CQ magazine web site (see above) to coincide with the
release of the September digital edition, on or around September 1, 2012.

*The **official, corrected UBN/NIL SSB and CW reports* *are now available**at
cqww.com* (*NO new passwords are required*).


Bob, K3EST


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