[CCF] NRAU 2012 - OH3LB good conditions in CW ND poor in SSB SECTION

Veikko Kuumola veikko.kuumola at kolumbus.fi
Sun Jan 15 06:31:03 PST 2012

  NRAUCW Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2012-01-14

    CallSign Used : OH3LB
      Operator(s) : OH3LB

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : CW
 Default Exchange : # PM
       Gridsquare : KP11UH

             Name : Veikko Kuumola
          Address : Kolkkalantie 5
   City/State/Zip : Lempäälä     37500
          Country : FINLAND

     ARRL Section : DX
        Club/Team :  ccf and oi3v
         Software : N1MM Logger V11.4.4

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
         3,5      76     152   52
           7      74     148   50
       Total     150     300  102

            Score : 30 600
              Rig : IC 756PRO iii+  Acom1000

         Antennas : WINDOM WIRE antenna Wimo

          Soapbox : TNX FER QSOs. Nice band conditions and improvement in cw section. main improvement was 1kw power to my wire antenna.
                          Anyway I was satified with local band conditions, whicch turn to hell in SSB section.  See unbelivable poor
                          result in SSB section below......

  I have observed all competition rules as well as all regulations
  established for amateur radio in my country. My report is
  correct and true to the best of my knowledge. I agree to be
  bound by the decisions of the Contest Committee.

  Date : 2012-01-15        Signature : vexi oh3lb

NRAUSSB Score Summary Sheet

       Start Date : 2012-01-15

    CallSign Used : OH3LB
      Operator(s) : OH3LB

Operator Category : SINGLE-OP
             Band : ALL
            Power : HIGH
             Mode : SSB
 Default Exchange : PM
       Gridsquare : KP11UH

             Name : Veikko Kuumola
          Address : Kolkkalantie 5
   City/State/Zip : Lempäälä     37500
          Country : FINLAND

     ARRL Section : DX
        Club/Team :  CCF and OI3V
         Software : N1MM Logger V11.4.4

        Band    QSOs    Pts  Sec
         3,5      33      66   27
           7      44      88   34
       Total      77     154   61

            Score : 9 394
              Rig :  Same

         Antennas : same

          Soapbox : Well unbelivable poor propagation to everywhere, it was total blackout, first I believe it was brokoen antenna but it was not, something happened in ionosphere at 3,5Mhz ssb , but at second hour 7Mhz was partially open and conditions fair.-.... amazing...
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