Jouko Häyrynen jouko.hayrynen at kolumbus.fi
Mon Sep 17 09:29:19 EDT 2012

Contest         : SAC Scandinavian Activity Contest
Callsign        : OH1RX
Mode            : CW
Category        : Single Operator (SO)
Overlay         : Tribander/Single Element
Band(s)         : All bands (AB)
Class           : Low Power (LP)
Zone/State/...  : 
Locator         : KP10NJ
Operating time  : 23h41

   80   	233   4   		29     484  	2.08 
   40   	264   2   		33     560  	2.12 
   20  	630   6   		54   1403  	2.23 
   15   	154   0   		39     389  	2.53 
   10    	  22   0    	  8        48  	2.18 
TOTAL  1303  12  	163    2884  	2.21 
TOTAL SCORE : 470 092

This the result, when you :
a) cannot use neither headphones nor my SO2R set up (currently having a bad tinnitus)
b) cannot use your right arm (broken wrist).
However, I decided to show some SISU and come to challenge the National Teams  with my special OH1RX / "QLH" operations
without any specific goal in mind :)

Set up:
- 2 x ProIII
- SO2R (useless now, besides easy logging)
- win-test
- JP-2000 tribander up 40m
- full sized delta loops for 40m (vertical) and 80m (horizontal) I.e. the true "single element" antennas vs. e.g. dipoles :) 
- bewerage rx north-south


+ no sleepy moments, menu for my 24h contesting: two apples, two sandwiches, 1.5 litres of tap water, 2 cups of cold coffee (n.b. not hot)
+ reasonably low aurora level
+ there was always something to be worked when you were quick to note the band closing and move to another band
+ much higher non-Scandinavian scores logged than before!
+ NO bad signals from my Nordic fellow hams. Not a single ' click ', thank you guys!
+ no bad behaviour ("QRL?" was asked frequently). Are we after all gentlemen? I´d like to believe so.

- forgot 15m spotty openings (SO2R would have been handy)
- did not utilize my enough my low noise rx condx on 80m
- sorry to say, but  " pse QSY to band x"  did not work at all, so I lost at least 20+ mults due to that. Would love to do some "band polka", especially in SAC where
  we all Nordic stations are the conductors of "The HF Philharmonics".
  Let´s remember to be gentlemen when in other contests we are asked to QSY. We could THE winning multiplier at the other end.

Congrats to winners and runner ups.
CUL in SSB part. GL and let´s have fun again!

Jouko OH1RX

PS: Do remember to give feedback to SAC Committee about the Contest.  support at sactest.net  
Let´s make SAC even a better contest !
Write ups and pictures are welcome, too.

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