[CCF] New in the box Optibeam 18-6 for sale

Carsten Esch carsten.esch at appello.de
Fri Feb 1 05:41:02 EST 2013


we want to sale our Optibeam 18-6. We bought the antenna end of November 2012, antenna is still in its boxes ... We now got the place for more towers so decided to use monobanders instead.

The OB18-6 has a total of 18 elements (for 40-20-17-15-12-10m - incl. 3ele on 40m). More information can be found here: http://www.optibeam.info/index.php?article_id=99&clang=1

Antenna comes in 4 boxes, total shipping weight 140kg.
1:1 5kw balun included, with mast plate for tubes up to 76mm diameter. 

The Antenna new with balun and larger mast plate costs around EUR 4.600,-, asking EUR 4.000,- plus shipping. 


Carsten, DL6LAU

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