[CCF] Paper2Cabrillo tools

Ilkka Korpela Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Tue Jan 15 11:45:48 EST 2013

Quoting "Tomi Ylinen" <tomi.ylinen at luukku.com>:

Ok Tomi, ja koska NRAU nyt on 'kotimaankisa' pistän filen
tulemaan, enkä digitoi sitä kameralla. Toivottavasti palvelusta
on apua muillekin jatkossa, kotimaankisoissa.

En usko että paperilokien aika on ohi, edelleen kannustaisin
KAIKKIA tulemaan ääneen, vaikka paperilla ja lokia lähettämättä.
Kuso se on paperillekin kirjattu ja lisää aktiviteettia eikä
sitä vasta-asema tiedä millä kukin kirjaa pitää.

Tnx also for Carsten, Master of Log Formats, it appears.
I don't have access to a legal copy of Wintest, so I'd
stumble in that phase of conversions.

Why can't we adopt some xml-style?


Maybe we have, I just don't know. And it would not help
anything because it is darn slow to write that sort of code on
a piece of paper or with a simple text editor.

My msg to the community is, allow all flowers to blossom,
do not indicate that cabrillo/PC-log is required for getting
on the air and making Qs. Require it from those who wish
to be listed. But, acknowledge positively also those who made
QSOs (no log) by listing them with thanks. That is quite orthogonal
thinking with respect to the tradition in OH-contests.


> Moi
> Jos loki on jo tiedostona, minulta saa help desk -palvelua sen  
> cabrilloon muuntamiseksi. Tätä on tarjolla kotimaan kisoihin koko  
> vuoden ajan.
> En kuitenkaan ota vastaan paperilokeja naputeltavaksi. Näkisin että  
> myös kotirintamalla paperilokien aika on ohi.
> Retroilu on hienoa mutta kisaan lähetetään Cabrillo. Se vasta hienoa onkin.
> t Tomi OH6EI
> Ilkka Korpela kirjoitti 15.01.2013 kello 16:18:
>> Hi
>>    My retro NRAU operating was done in pre-
>>    Cabrillo fashion. I can digitize the log with
>>    my camera, but I gather that it would not help
>>    much unless NRAU organizers are as nice as those
>>    responsible for the SAC 2011.
>>    Anyone out there that can help me? I'm willing
>>    to send the JPEGs to this colleague, or, alternatively,
>>    try myself some tool that does the conversion from ink
>>    to ascii bits.
>>    I tried this with MS-excel for an OH-contest recently, but could
>>    not find a comprehensible format spesification to get
>>    the ascii records cabrillo-proof (string formatting).
>>    I guess log robots talk only one cabrillo dialect.
>> ilkka, OH1WZ
>> --
>> Ilkka Korpela
>> http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela
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Ilkka Korpela

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