[CCF] CCF Digest, Vol 121, Issue 18

veikko.kuumola at kolumbus.fi veikko.kuumola at kolumbus.fi
Tue Jan 15 14:05:55 EST 2013

Minäkin tunnustan ajaneeni kisoja on line paperille,  sitte ajoin n1mm softan ja näppärästi after contest modessa ajoin paperilta se sitte koneeseen se kysyy viimesen qson ajan tasottaa qso ajat.sitte cabrilloon on nopee korjata qso ajat oikeeks juuu..konstit on monet.  mun windomi anto rf ää nii paljo läppäriin että tuo paperilogi olis ollu turvallinen ja nopee.  vexi 3lb
---- alkuperäinen viesti ----
Lähett.: ccf-request at contesting.com
Lähet.:  15.01.2013, 19:00 
V.ottaja: ccf at contesting.com
Aihe: CCF Digest, Vol 121, Issue 18

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Today's Topics:

   1. Joulukisa RTTY alustavat lopputulokset (Tomi Ylinen)
   2. S??sken inin? -tulokset. (Tomi Ylinen)
   3. Paper2Cabrillo tools (Ilkka Korpela)
   4. Re: Paper2Cabrillo tools (Tomi Ylinen)
   5. Re: Paper2Cabrillo tools (Carsten Esch)
   6. Re: Paper2Cabrillo tools (Ilkka Korpela)


Message: 1
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 15:07:24 +0200 (EET)
From: Tomi Ylinen <tomi.ylinen at luukku.com>
To: ccf at contesting.com, fin-ham at sral.fi
Subject: [CCF] Joulukisa RTTY alustavat lopputulokset
	<1358255244648.tomi.ylinen.49930.g3BqlmOi4wLkhBSQqUmepg at luukku.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Lopuksi RTTY, onnittelut voittajille. Taitaisi bandille mahtua enemm?nkin asemia...

Lk	O	OK	?Q	Hyv	Tulos
YLK	OH8KVA	31	2	6	560
YLK	OH7UE	31	1	6	555
YLK	OH2BP	31	0	6	550
YLK	OH2MZB	27	2	6	520
YLK	OH6XY	29	2	5	500
YLK	OH8FTF	28	1	5	485
YLK	OH6RE	23	2	5	440
Y100	OH1TN	32	0	6	560
Y100	OH2LU	30	1	5	505
Y100	OH6BA	28	1	5	485
Y100	OH5CX	27	2	5	480
Y100	OH7MN	27	2	5	480
Y100	OH7JJT	24	1	5	445
QRP	OH2LZI	25	2	5	460
QRP	OH2LNH	20	2	5	410
QRP	OH2GYT	7	1	4	235
PLK	OH8KVY	31	2	6	560
PLK	OH8FAL	16	1	5	365


Message: 2
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 16:16:54 +0200 (EET)
From: Tomi Ylinen <tomi.ylinen at luukku.com>
To: ccf at contesting.com, fin-ham at sral.fi
Subject: [CCF] S??sken inin? -tulokset.
	<1358259414861.tomi.ylinen.57235.9t-iBqETiamrAlcWpUy_1Q at luukku.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

T?m? oli Joulukisan erikoisluokka QRP:n? tai mobile- tai sis?antenneilla workkiville.

Voittajaksi siilautui Mikko OH6GUA, joka is? Antero OH6NG oli my?s mukana samassa sarjassa. Antero ajoi kotoa, jossa paikallinen h?iri? teki workkimisesta hankalaa. Mikko hurautti mobilellaan 15 km p??h?n, h?n puolestaan k?rsi RF-ongelmista.

Onnittelut Mikolle, joka p??sen nautiskelemaan h?lskyv?st? erikoispalkinnosta. 

RTTY ei ollut erikoisluokan osakilpailu mutta pistin nekin QRP-tulokset taulukkoon.

Kutsu	Teho	CW	SSB	(RTTY)	YHT
OH6GUA	50 *	365	1360	0	1725
OH6HLH	5	0	1545	0	1545
OH6NG	3	680	670	0	1350
OH6DC	5	1250	0	0	1250
OG4T	5	900	0	0	900
OH2LIR	5	0	900	0	900
OH2LNH	5	690	0	(410)	690
OH2LZI	5	0	0	(460)	0
OH2GYT	5	0	0	(235)	0
* antennina mobilepiiska					


Message: 3
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 16:18:24 +0200
From: "Ilkka Korpela" <Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi>
To: ccf at contesting.com
Subject: [CCF] Paper2Cabrillo tools
	<20130115161824.133230muoq2i1tf4.korpela at webmail.helsinki.fi>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";


   My retro NRAU operating was done in pre-
   Cabrillo fashion. I can digitize the log with
   my camera, but I gather that it would not help
   much unless NRAU organizers are as nice as those
   responsible for the SAC 2011.

   Anyone out there that can help me? I'm willing
   to send the JPEGs to this colleague, or, alternatively,
   try myself some tool that does the conversion from ink
   to ascii bits.

   I tried this with MS-excel for an OH-contest recently, but could
   not find a comprehensible format spesification to get
   the ascii records cabrillo-proof (string formatting).
   I guess log robots talk only one cabrillo dialect.

ilkka, OH1WZ

Ilkka Korpela


Message: 4
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 16:29:11 +0200 (EET)
From: Tomi Ylinen <tomi.ylinen at luukku.com>
To: Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi, ccf at contesting.com
Cc: fin-ham at sral.fi
Subject: Re: [CCF] Paper2Cabrillo tools
	<1358260151501.tomi.ylinen.58456.iO9KRYDUTrcxJN5vv0j-yg at luukku.com>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Jos loki on jo tiedostona, minulta saa help desk -palvelua sen cabrilloon muuntamiseksi. T?t? on tarjolla kotimaan kisoihin koko vuoden ajan.

En kuitenkaan ota vastaan paperilokeja naputeltavaksi. N?kisin ett? my?s kotirintamalla paperilokien aika on ohi.

Retroilu on hienoa mutta kisaan l?hetet??n Cabrillo. Se vasta hienoa onkin.

t Tomi OH6EI

Ilkka Korpela kirjoitti 15.01.2013 kello 16:18:
> Hi
>    My retro NRAU operating was done in pre-
>    Cabrillo fashion. I can digitize the log with
>    my camera, but I gather that it would not help
>    much unless NRAU organizers are as nice as those
>    responsible for the SAC 2011.
>    Anyone out there that can help me? I'm willing
>    to send the JPEGs to this colleague, or, alternatively,
>    try myself some tool that does the conversion from ink
>    to ascii bits.
>    I tried this with MS-excel for an OH-contest recently, but could
>    not find a comprehensible format spesification to get
>    the ascii records cabrillo-proof (string formatting).
>    I guess log robots talk only one cabrillo dialect.
> ilkka, OH1WZ
> -- 
> Ilkka Korpela
> http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela
> _______________________________________________
> CCF mailing list
> CCF at contesting.com
> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/ccf


Message: 5
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 15:40:03 +0100
From: Carsten Esch <carsten.esch at appello.de>
To: ccf at contesting.com, Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi
Subject: Re: [CCF] Paper2Cabrillo tools
Message-ID: <50F56A43.7060501 at appello.de>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1

Hi Ilkka,

a fast way (if you are good in typing ;-)) for 'Paper to ADIF' is Fast
Log Entry from DF3CB: http://df3cb.com/fle/
ADIF to Cabrillo can be done with e.g. WinTest than.


Carsten, DL6LAU

Am 15.01.2013 15:18, schrieb Ilkka Korpela:
> Hi
>   My retro NRAU operating was done in pre-
>   Cabrillo fashion. I can digitize the log with
>   my camera, but I gather that it would not help
>   much unless NRAU organizers are as nice as those
>   responsible for the SAC 2011.
>   Anyone out there that can help me? I'm willing
>   to send the JPEGs to this colleague, or, alternatively,
>   try myself some tool that does the conversion from ink
>   to ascii bits.
>   I tried this with MS-excel for an OH-contest recently, but could
>   not find a comprehensible format spesification to get
>   the ascii records cabrillo-proof (string formatting).
>   I guess log robots talk only one cabrillo dialect.
> ilkka, OH1WZ


Message: 6
Date: Tue, 15 Jan 2013 18:45:48 +0200
From: "Ilkka Korpela" <Ilkka.Korpela at Helsinki.fi>
To: "Tomi Ylinen" <tomi.ylinen at luukku.com>
Cc: fin-ham at sral.fi, ccf at contesting.com
Subject: Re: [CCF] Paper2Cabrillo tools
	<20130115184548.15323cjq008jgm9o.korpela at webmail.helsinki.fi>
Content-Type: text/plain; charset=ISO-8859-1; DelSp="Yes";

Quoting "Tomi Ylinen" <tomi.ylinen at luukku.com>:

Ok Tomi, ja koska NRAU nyt on 'kotimaankisa' pist?n filen
tulemaan, enk? digitoi sit? kameralla. Toivottavasti palvelusta
on apua muillekin jatkossa, kotimaankisoissa.

En usko ett? paperilokien aika on ohi, edelleen kannustaisin
KAIKKIA tulemaan ??neen, vaikka paperilla ja lokia l?hett?m?tt?.
Kuso se on paperillekin kirjattu ja lis?? aktiviteettia eik?
sit? vasta-asema tied? mill? kukin kirjaa pit??.

Tnx also for Carsten, Master of Log Formats, it appears.
I don't have access to a legal copy of Wintest, so I'd
stumble in that phase of conversions.

Why can't we adopt some xml-style?


Maybe we have, I just don't know. And it would not help
anything because it is darn slow to write that sort of code on
a piece of paper or with a simple text editor.

My msg to the community is, allow all flowers to blossom,
do not indicate that cabrillo/PC-log is required for getting
on the air and making Qs. Require it from those who wish
to be listed. But, acknowledge positively also those who made
QSOs (no log) by listing them with thanks. That is quite orthogonal
thinking with respect to the tradition in OH-contests.


> Moi
> Jos loki on jo tiedostona, minulta saa help desk -palvelua sen  
> cabrilloon muuntamiseksi. T?t? on tarjolla kotimaan kisoihin koko  
> vuoden ajan.
> En kuitenkaan ota vastaan paperilokeja naputeltavaksi. N?kisin ett?  
> my?s kotirintamalla paperilokien aika on ohi.
> Retroilu on hienoa mutta kisaan l?hetet??n Cabrillo. Se vasta hienoa onkin.
> t Tomi OH6EI
> Ilkka Korpela kirjoitti 15.01.2013 kello 16:18:
>> Hi
>>    My retro NRAU operating was done in pre-
>>    Cabrillo fashion. I can digitize the log with
>>    my camera, but I gather that it would not help
>>    much unless NRAU organizers are as nice as those
>>    responsible for the SAC 2011.
>>    Anyone out there that can help me? I'm willing
>>    to send the JPEGs to this colleague, or, alternatively,
>>    try myself some tool that does the conversion from ink
>>    to ascii bits.
>>    I tried this with MS-excel for an OH-contest recently, but could
>>    not find a comprehensible format spesification to get
>>    the ascii records cabrillo-proof (string formatting).
>>    I guess log robots talk only one cabrillo dialect.
>> ilkka, OH1WZ
>> --
>> Ilkka Korpela
>> http://www.helsinki.fi/~korpela
>> _______________________________________________
>> CCF mailing list
>> CCF at contesting.com
>> http://lists.contesting.com/mailman/listinfo/ccf

Ilkka Korpela


Subject: Digest Footer

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CCF at contesting.com


End of CCF Digest, Vol 121, Issue 18

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